"Ok, you still have those butterfly bandages and stitches in, so I'm going to have to take a look and make sure there is no infection brewing there too. I may have to do a scrape test and do a culture to see what antibiotic we need."

"Ok doctor, I trust in whatever you want to do." She said, smiling weakly at him. Luffy's heart ached. She looked so drained...

    I winced as Chopper took a razor and scraped off some of the damaged skin from her wounds. He also used a sterile cue tip to dig a little deeper into some of my wounds so that he could grow a culture in a little petri dish.

   "I'm going to put you on a round of broad spectrum antibiotics until the cultures come back." He said, rifling around just out of sight. "But, just in case, we should probably... um.." He looked at Luffy, who nodded knowingly before grabbing Misaki. Her eyes widened and suddenly, it was a war zone in the infirmary.

   "No fucking way! I thought we were done with these stupid things!" She said as she scrambled away, kicking the exam table over. Luffy grabbed her from behind, wrapping his arms around her chest and pinning her arms to her sides. She jumped up, making him stretch backward before snapping back down. Fuck, how did she get so strong all of a sudden?!

   "Come on, Misaki!"

   "No way!" She said, dragging him out of the infirmary. Some of the crew poked their heads out to see what the ruckus was about.

   "Just one shot!" Luffy grimaced, growling through his teeth as she tried desperately to wiggle out of his grasp.

   "NO!" She yelled as they crashed into some lawn chairs.

    Luffy's grip on her loosened and she got up, cursing under her breath as she went to run. But suddenly, a hand grasped onto her, steam pouring off of it as he snapped back over to her and tackled her to the ground. He made sure he landed underneath her, worried she might get hurt, before rolling over on top of her and pinning her to the ground.

    "Stay STILL!" He growled, pressing his forehead against hers and making her squeal. Chopper came over and quickly gave her the injection, making her whine through her teeth.

  "I hate thiiiiiis!" She cried, making him cringe.

   "Sorry, M'!" He muttered. "You have no idea how much I hate it too."


   I laid there and pouted for a moment, annoyed that I had to endure yet another ruthlessly large shot. Still, if it helped get me better so that the pain in my chest and head would stop triggering these nightmares, then I guess it had to be done.

I sat up and looked at Luffy, who was sitting across from me. I huffed and stood up, offering Luffy a hand.

"You're free from your duties with me." I said, smiling at him. "I'm gonna go bother Sanji."

"Sanji?" Luffy asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, I promised him I would help with something today."

- -

"Alright, I give." Sanji said, waving his hand. "Usually, I would be able to tell you what's in these burgers just from the smell! Not even tasting it! But I feel like I'm missing something!"

"Well let's see what you've got here."

Sanji handed me a piece of scrap paper. On it we're basic ingredients used to make a burger.

"You're actually pretty close, but there is some specific stuff that goes into it."

"Yeah, I'm aware. Everytime I try to make them, they just don't come out exactly like I imagined it."

"Well, as per usual, we start with ground beef. Now, my momma likes to use 80% lean and 20 % fat for the fat ratio with the ground beef."

Sanji nodded, pointing at the paper, which already had that on it, and bread crumbs. Oh.

"Then we've gotta throw in some garlic salt and onion powder." I threw it in to the ground beef half-hazarded-ly, making him flinch.

"Yeah, I got that. But do you have exact measurements?"

"Nope. Momma always did it by feel and smell. But I believe in you!" I chuckled, making him grin. He leaned in and took a big whiff. His brow furrowed and he took some more garlic salt and tossed it in. I grinned and continued.

"The next thing is to throw ketchup and mustard and bread crumbs in. The key is to keep it from getting too wet or too sticky." I started mixing the products in, making sure I smelled it as I went.

"Yeah... you know it's not normal to throw the condiments in before it gets cooked, right?"

    "Do you want the recipe or not?" I snapped.

    "Yes please!" He said meekly.

     "Ok, so we actually wanna make it slightly stickier than usual. The reason why is because of the last ingredient." I said, pulling out the jar of Vlasic pickles that I brought back from my world.

    "Pickles?!" Sanji exclaimed.

    "You may have to figure out how to replicate these particular pickles, or else you might not get the right flavor." I said, as I dumped some of the pickle juice into the meat.

    "Pickle... juice?" He said, blinking. I nodded and suddenly, he smiled. "I see, it adds a little vinegar and salt."

    "It adds pickle juice." I said, plainly, making him laugh. "It's our secret ingredient!"

I mixed it around and tossed in a little more bread crumbs before taking a sniff. Sanji leaned over my shoulder and sniffed too. His face brushed against my cheek, making me blush at his closeness.

"It needs more ketchup." He said sweetly.

I obliged and tossed in just a tiny bit more ketchup before mixing the whole thing up again. I grinned. It smelled just right.

"The cool thing is — this is a recipe for the base mix. You can add anything you want to it. Fresh ingredients like cheese can be used to stuff it, and make the dish way higher class. But I just love a good ole J burger with a fried egg, cheese and bacon on top."

"I've got a couple ideas for sure!" Sanji said, turning his head to smile at me.

   He was still hovering over my shoulder, making me a little nervous. I wasn't used to Sanji being this close to me, and I was so tired that it was making it hard to gauge how I should have been reacting to him. He reached over and grabbed the bowl and brought it over to his chopping board.

   "I'm going to make a few different versions of it and see what everybody likes! Do you have any preferences?"

   "If you are gonna stuff the Pattie's with something, I just really wanna see what you come up with!" I said, smiling at him

   "Like I said, I've got some ideas!" He said, looking rather excited.

   "I can't believe I've never hung out with you while you were cooking." I chuckled. "It's nice, seeing you in your element like this."

   He laughed as he grabbed a few different ingredients — a couple cheeses and even a few different types of meat. He smiled happily as he worked. I couldn't help but grin at him.

   "What's got you smiling like that?" I asked.

   "I'm just thinking about how happy everybody is going to be when they get to try these!" He said, blushing a little.

   "That's so sweet!" I said, way louder than I intended.

    He looked at me, a little startled by my exclamation, before shrugging it off and returning to work. I scratched my head, wondering why I reacted so fervently to that information. I already knew he was like that, but hearing it in person and seeing in person was so... different.... Weird.

   I shrugged it off and we chitchatted for a while as he worked his magic. I helped him bring the patties out to the grill and swooned at the smell that filled the deck as he cooked it.

  Uh oh, mamma! I think he just took your class S burgers and made them S plus!!!

Luffy x isakai GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora