Echoes of Heartbreak

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Leaning against the cold stone wall of the Institute's dimly lit corridor, I take deep breaths, trying to steady the rapid beating of my heart. The air is heavy with tension and unspoken words, the echoes of Jorden's abrupt departure lingering like a haunting melody in the shadows.

As I grapple with the aftermath of our encounter, a realization cuts through the chaos of my emotions—I can't afford to give Jorden any more chances, not after the pain of our previous separation. The bitter truth stings, magnified by Jorden's reminder that I was the one who initiated the breakup. The intended apology the next day feels feeble in the face of the undeniable hurt that still lingers.


A vivid flashback engulfs me, transporting me back to the moment I ventured to Jorden's room, seeking reconciliation. The door swings open to reveal an empty, disheveled room, as if a tempest had torn through its confines. Panic grips me as I take in the chaos, but it's the sight of the chain I had gifted Jorden lying on the table that intensifies the ache in my chest.

"Izzy, what are you doing here?" Jace's voice echoes in the dimly lit corridor, drawing my attention.

"I thought... I thought we could talk, work things out," I reply, my voice carrying a vulnerability I can't conceal.

Jace's gaze shifts to the disorder within Jorden's room. "Looks like she left in a hurry. What happened?"

"I don't know. It's all a mess," I admit, clutching the hoodie in my hands.

Alec, appearing from down the corridor, joins the conversation. "What's going on?"

"Jorden left, Alec," I say, my voice cracking. "She just left, and everything's a mess. I don't even know why."

Alec's expression tightens with concern. "Did she say anything?"

"No. Just... this mess," I gesture to the room, frustration and sadness welling up inside me.

As the weight of the situation settles in, Jace places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure it out, Iz. Let's clean this up first."

The memory of that lonely night haunts me, tear stains on my pillow bearing witness to the emotional turmoil I endured. The emptiness lingers as I clutch the chain, a tangible reminder of the void Jorden left behind. It becomes a silent testament to the pieces of myself lost in the turbulent storm of our relationship.

A second flashback unfolds, this time in Robert Lightwood's office, surrounded by the authoritative presence of my parents and the concerned faces of Jace and Alec. I sit opposite my parents, my gaze fixed on the stern expressions mirroring my father's and the sorrow clouding my mother's eyes.

"Jorden won't be returning for the foreseeable future," Robert declares, the weight of the decision casting a solemn atmosphere over the room.

My voice trembles as I try to comprehend the news. "What? Why? Where did she go?"

"We can't disclose the details, Isabelle. It's for her safety," Maryse explains, her eyes holding a mix of sympathy and resolve.

"But I need to talk to her, to understand," I plead, desperation seeping into my words.

"It's not that simple, Izzy. Trust us, it's for the best," Robert adds, his tone firm.


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