Echoes of Destiny

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My phone lights up, distracting me from the gripping novel I was engrossed in. The message reads,
"Meet me in the armory" - Hawkeye. Without a moment's hesitation, I swing my legs to the side of my bed, tie up my combat boots with swift precision, I and snatch my worn leather jacket from the back of my chair before striding out the door.

Entering the armory, I spot Alec at the worktable, his deep-set eyes focused on placing runes on arrowheads. "So, are you going to catch me up or what?" I inquire, a hint of impatience in my voice.

Alec pauses, his expression tense as he carefully continues his rune work. "The only thing that's happened since our last check-in is that the mundane showed up," he says, his voice carrying a touch of frustration. "She's been a constant nuisance, turns out she's Valentine's daughter, and a real pain to deal with."

"Wait, she's Valentine's daughter?!" I reply in shock, my eyes widening at the revelation.

Alec nods grimly. "Yeah, just found that one out."

I raise an eyebrow playfully. "Alec, speaking of surprises, there's something else I've noticed."

Alec looks at me with curiosity. "What is it?"

I can't help but grin. "Your not-so-secret crush on Jace. That hasn't changed, has it?"

Alec's cheeks turn a faint shade of red, and he rolls his eyes. "Please, let's not go there."

As I watch him rune more arrows and mull over the implications of our new adversary, I absentmindedly run my hands over the stone wall where my name sits, giving it a slight push. The weapon wall extends with a soft hum, revealing the neatly arranged display of Izzy's and my weapons. It appears that Izzy hasn't moved anything; my weapons still look well-maintained and regularly runed. A warm smile tugs at my lips, knowing that Izzy hasn't changed a bit.

A vivid flashback unfolds before me, as clear as if it happened yesterday.

I remember a day just like this one, Izzy and me preparing our weapons in the dimly lit corner of the Institute's armoury. Izzy, always meticulous, was busy examining her blades. She sighed in exasperation, shooting a glare at me, who was casually inspecting my own weapons, clearly less concerned about their condition.

"Izzy, you worry too much. These blades have never failed you," I remarked with a playful smirk.

Izzy rolled her eyes and pushed me lightly. "That's because I take care of them, unlike someone I know." She gestured at his neglected weapons.

My smirk widened as I leaned closer to her. "Well, if you're so good at looking after things, maybe you should teach me."

Their banter escalated, Izzy's frustration melting into laughter as i playfully pushed her against the armory wall. The sparks between us were as always undeniable, a magnetic attraction neither could resist. My flirtatious words made Izzy's cheeks flush with warmth, and in a bold move, I leaned in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

Returning to the present, I'm brought back to reality when I hear Hodge's voice. "Alec. Jordan."

Alec stammers, his usually composed demeanor shaken by the unexpected interruption. "Yeah, no, I, uh..."

I struggle to come up with a plausible excuse, but Hodge senses our discomfort. He raises an understanding eyebrow. "Don't tell me. I don't want to have to report you two," he says, his tone sympathetic. "It's just that, you know, Clary is—"

Hodge interrupts Alec, his rune glowing brightly. "That girl is Valentine's—"

"The monster's daughter," Alec finishes for him. "There must be some reason why the roaches are coming out of the woodwork again, right? I'll leave you to it."

Alec expresses his gratitude, and Hodge offers some parting advice before leaving us in thoughtful silence. My mind races with questions about the connection between Clary and Valentine, wondering what trouble Hodge is trying to stir up.

"Izzy just texted; she's found a way in," Alec announces, snapping me out of my thoughts.

We sprint down the bustling streets of New York City, the rhythm of our footfalls echoing in unison. As we run side by side, I steal a quick glance at Alec, his usually stoic expression now reflecting a mix of concern and determination.

"Jordan," Alec begins, his voice slightly breathless from our sprint, "I've been thinking about what Hodge said back there. About standing in the shadow of the chosen one."

I nod, keeping pace with him. "Yeah, it got me thinking too."

Alec continues, "I don't want to be defined by someone else's destiny. We've got our own roles to play in all of this."

I give Alec a reassuring pat on the back. "Alec you got to find the middle ground, you need to be your own person but Jace is still your parabatai. Take what hodge said with a grain of salt."

Alec smiles, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Thanks, Jordan. It's good to have you back."

The camaraderie and friendship between us shine through as we navigate the bustling streets of New York, ready to face whatever challenges the world of Shadowhunters throws our way. Our footsteps create a rhythmic harmony, and the cityscape unfolds before us, a vibrant tapestry of lights and shadows.

As we race through the heart of New York City, our laughter carries in the night air, and the burdens of the past seem to fade away.

Eternal Love - Isabelle Lightwood gxgNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ