Chapter 3

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Here's Victoria everyone!

Nicholas's P. O. V

The sun was shining bright through the window and it really woke me up. I was glad it did or else I never would've noticed the sleeping blonde in my bed.

My eyes were shot open as soon as I realized that Declan was sleeping in my bed. "Fuck fuck fuck..." I whisper before trying to wake Declan up so that he could leave. "Psssst! Wake up Declan!" I say as I'm nudging him to wake him up.

"Huh? Oh fuck! Nick, what happened?" He asked

"I think I know what happened but I don't think we can tell Victoria what happened." I respond, shaking my head at Declan. "It would end so bad." I sigh and get out of my bed.

"Fuck... My ass hurts" I groaned as I went to grab some clothes to change into for the day. I can't believe I actually hooked up with Declan. I shake my head in disappointment, hoping Declan didn't even notice.

"I couldn't have been THAT bad... Victoria thinks I'm good in bed actually!" Declan laughs and jokingly slapped my ass.

"Okay gross, I don't need to know what you and my best friend do when she is not around me." I gagged and laughed a little. Declan is kinda confusing, is he bi? Gay? Very straight and probably hooked up with me to mess with my feelings? Hopefully it was one of the first two options cause I kinda want a shot with him but I know I have to wait until him and Tori breakup.

"Well, I guess I should go because I don't think this whole "us" thing should've really happened." Declan says, grabbing his stuff and walking out of my room. "Dec, I'm sorry about this... I don't wanna make it awkward between us and pretend this never happened but I also just can't ignore what happened either." I reply as I follow him out of my room and down the stairs.

"We can't even be together anyways, Nick." He sighs with his hand on the doorknob. "My dad would literally kill me if he knew I was hooking up, dating, or even FRIENDS with someone that was gay." Declan's words made me freeze in my spot. He's embarrassed to hang around me?

"You're right... I think we should just wait it out since this all kind of happened a little fast.." I say with a long sigh. "I just met you through my best friend not EVEN a week ago and I feel awful for hooking up with her own boyfriend.." My words made Declan go silent. He just stared at me and I could tell he wanted to say something but he wasn't going to. He was hiding a secret but he couldn't tell me.

I watched Declan leave my house and I could feel something in me change. It felt like apart of me died. Like something was ripped out and stomped on. I was obviously gonna get over it since it wasn't something that lasted long and I tend to get over things pretty quickly.

Declan's P. O. V

It's been about a week since I went over to Nicholas's house. I haven't been picking him up or dropping him off with Victoria after what happened. Nicholas didn't know I could actually tell her what happened since she knows I'm gay but I haven't told Nicholas even though it was pretty obvious since I was balls deep in his ass like a week ago. I feel like I should explain the situation to him and Victoria but I need to tell Nick in a way that doesn't make it sound like I want to jump straight into a new relationship after ending my fake one.

"Tori, I need to tell you something.." I say as I drive her to the school. I let out a huge breath, freaking out about how things are gonna go after she finds out about me and Nicholas. "So you know your friend... Nicholas, right?" I ask, turning my head slightly to her.

"Yes, what about him?"

"We sort of hooked up last week when I went over to his house to help him with his homework.." I say, laughing it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Wait, are you being serious or are you messing with me?"

"I'm being so serious... We like ACTUALLY DID everything."

"So his first was with a guy that he thinks is straight and is dating his best friend?" Victoria asked, raising her eyebrow at me as if I was going on a crack induced rant. "Dude, are you like on crack or something?"

"What? No! Also, Nick is a virgin?" I asked, sounding kinda shocked. "Cause with a face like that and an ASS like that, I figured he'd be getting all the guys he'd want and more."

"Yeah, Nicholas is full of surprises... Anyways, I'd prefer that you guys didn't dare immediately since you guys met like a week or two ago." She replied. "You guys need to hang out more and get to know eachother and NOT just stare at his ass the entire time you're hanging out with him." Tori laughs.

"I don't know... He seemed kinda pissed off after I left his house." I shrug my shoulders. I don't even know if he wants to talk to me. Is Tori crazy for suggesting that he should talk to me? I think she is cause there is no way he's gonna forgive me for giving him all nine inches and then ditching on him just because I'm a scared little bitch.

"I could probably try and talk to him for you if you would prefer that." She suggested and I nodded my head since that sounded way easier than facing him myself. It's gonna be too hard and I don't wanna risk making him even more upset at me than he already is.

Nicholas's P. O. V

I heard a knock at my door and noticed it was Victoria standing outside the front of my house. It's weird she is knocking since she knows she can just walk in because she's basically part of the family at this point. "Uh, hey Tori." I say with a smile on my face.

"Nick, we need to talk about Declan.." She sounded serious and I had a feeling she was gonna bring him up but I really didn't think it would be this soon since Declan was just over here last week.

"Listen, I'm sorry I hooked up with him last week. It was a mistake and I know he's your boyfriend and I know it was wrong but I'm just so fucking sorry. Please forgive me."

"Okay, well it IS about that but I really don't care if you guys did because I was a beard for a gay dude."

"A what?"

"Declan wanted to be in a fake relationship with me since he is gay and he allowed me to come tell you this because he didn't want his presence to anger you more since he did that enough last week when he left after he "dicked you down" according to the text he sent me to tell me what to say to you." Victoria replied, looking down at her phone to read the texts between her and Declan.

"So then why did he have to lie?"

"He didn't want the secret to get out since, if anyone from our school found out, people would at his school, and then it would reach to his dad and that wouldn't be good.."

"So he wasn't exaggerating when he told me that last week.."

"Yeah, but I think you guys need to get to know each other first before you guys jump straight into this whole new relationship since you guys have only known eachother for like a week."

"Yeah.. That's pretty fair.. I'm gonna find a day in the week to have a more mature conversation about it since I admit, I don't think I handle things like confrontation very well."

"Yeah, that's a good idea and I'll even go with you if you need me to." Victoria replied with a smile on her face and I just nod in agreement.

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