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Its been a couple of weeks but, its finally summer! We all took our school test and to celebrate theo took us out to eat, doyun also came along since he started getting closer with the others, we had sushi and went to an ice cream store after

"Hoa, how are you gonna spend your summer?" Soul looked at me

"Uhmmm, imma sleep for most of it and i dunno about the rest" I replied

"Watch us go over to their house and we just see her sinking into her bed" Jongseob laughed

"Nah i get her, school was soooo tiring for me im so glad I graduated" Keeho spoke

"Hoa, gimme some of your soda" doyun poked me

"You have the same one, just drink yours" i looked at doyuns cup

"I know you like shota and ill show him embarrassing pictures of you if you dont give me soda" he whispered to me in Vietnamese

"Finee" i rolled my eyes

"Eat more" soul put some more sushi on my plate

"Imma throw up because of you two" Jongseob made a disgusted face

"Well dont do it on the food! Do it on keeho" theo pointed at keeho

"WHAT DID I DO?" Keeho looked at theo with a confused face

"You existed" jiung and theo said in sync

We finished our sushi and walked to an ice cream store, theo, jiung, and keeho bought the ice creams and the rest of us sat on a bench laughing at everything

"Omg, we dont have homework anymore!" Soul smiled

"Wait pose" i took my phone out and took a picture of soul

"Take one of me too" seob poked my arm

I took pictures of them and waited for the others to come back

"Tak, can you buy me a camera?" I asked

"What kind?" He questioned

"I'll show you when we get home" i replied

"WE GOT YOUR ICE CREAM" jiung ran to us

"Wait its so cute i dont wanna eat it" i examined the ice cream

"Eat the ice cream or ill make you ice cream" theo threatened me

"Is something wrong in your head cause what the fuck" i repeatedly blinked

"Somethings wrong with your head" theo stuck his tounge out

"Youre 19 and fighting with a 15 year old girl" jiung looked at theo

"Well i had to defend myself" theo shrugged

"Yea but you threatened me first" i licked some of my ice cream

"We gotta go, thanks for the ice cream" intak pushed me and doyun

We walked back home and saw our parents on the couch watching a movie

"What are you watching?" Intak took his shoes off

"A movie your uncle found" my aunt replied

"So, how did your test go?" My dad looked at me

"I dunno, i think i did ok on it" I finished my ice cream

"Im going to my room" i ran upstairs

I texted soul for a bit

Soul ☺️

Soul soul soulie

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