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Its been about a month since i met soul and the others, we've gotten a lot closer. They come over a lot more often and my parents are fine with me hanging out with a bunch of guys and by 'parents' i meant my mom, my dad is NOT ok with me hanging out with 5 guys but since they're taks friends he doesn't try taking me away from them. Its currently the middle of the school day and im walking back to my class after lunch, soul was at the bathroom and told me to just go to the class. I sat down at my desk and put my notebooks out until kim hana and her friend stopped me from taking my books out

"Uhm could you move your hand please? I need my notes for the next class" i looked up at them

"Not until you move seats with me, i sit next to haku shota, we wont talk to you again" she bent down

"No im sorry, i dont think sou- shota would be comfortable" i shook my head

"Or maybe you just want him to yourself" hanas friend spoke

"No i dont, i just think he wouldn't be comfortable with you trying to make him your boyfriend" i looked back at hana

"What are you doing?" Soul looked at hana

"She needed something, we gotta go, byeee!" She ran away

"What happened?" Soul sat down next to me

"She wanted me to switch seats with her so she could flirt with you" i rolled my eyes

"If they threaten you, tell me" soul made eye contact with me

"Mhm" i smiled

After that the day went by pretty quickly, when i was starting to pay attention in class the teacher dismissed us. Soul wasnt walking back home with me cause he needed to help his sister with something. Intak was with doyun so i was alone when i walked back home, i was still thinking about what happened with hana, she never really talked to me until today. She never actually walked up to me either, hopefully this doesn't mean she'll start threatening me. But of course I bumped into when I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings

"Ow, im sorry" I apologized

"If you were sorry you would let me sit with haku shota" she rolled her eyes

"Hes not comfortable around people that want to flirt with him" i replied

"Im not gonna flirt with him, when he gets a better look at me he'll definitely fall in love with me" she laughed

"HOAAA" Jongseob ran to me

"Seob! What happened?" I smiled

"Souls inviting us over for a bit" he whispered

"Ok, lets go" i dragged him

Once we were far enough from hana i stopped walking

"Thank youuuu, you saved me" i sighed

"From what?" He questioned

"That girl, she hates me cause i sit next net to soul" I replied

"Ohhhh, well lets go" he dragged me to souls house

"Wait, i got a question, how are you allowed to have bright purple hair at school?" I looked at seobs head

"I dunno" he shrugged

We ran to souls house and knocked on the door when we arrived

"Hoa! Oh hi Jongseob" soul opened the door

"You guys are so mean to me" Jongseob fake cried

"Are the others coming?" I asked

"Nope, its just us" he shook his head

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