circle time and stray cattle

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The team tutor was crouching in front of where Mr. Tibbles lay on the ground with Coach Bombay while the rest of the team and I stood behind. He was still out cold and the two of them were trying to wake him up with some ammonia salts or something. 

Mr. Tibbles gave a sudden jolt before opening his eyes, looking around. 

"I'll have a cheeseburger and fries and chocolate milkshake," was the first thing that came out of his mouth. 

We laughed, and the tutor sighed in relief. "I think he'll be okay." 

While Mr. Tibbles was on the ground, the tutor stood up and introduced herself. 

"I'm Michelle McKay, their tutor."

"I'm Gordon Bombay, their coach," Coach Bombay replied the same way she did. 

Complaints were immediately heard from everyone. 

"I don't need no school." I heard Dean say. He clearly did, hearing his grammar. 

"Ms. McKay, we're America's team. Shouldn't we be focusing on hockey? May I suggest optional attendance?" Goldberg tried to reason. 

There was a chorus of agreements from the Ducks, and I heard Julie, Luis and Dwayne agree. 



"Yes, Goldberg, school will be optional." A few people cheered before she went on. "However, however, should you not attend, you will not be eligible to play."

Groans were heard, but school was school and it was going to happen regardless. 

"Okay, Team USA, back to practice!" Coach Bombay told us, and we all skated towards center ice. "Don't go far though, we're doing team building exercises."

Next thing I knew Coach Bombay was tying us up in one big bunch. I was somewhat on the edge but not quite, and had Kenny and Julie to my left and right, and Charlie in front of me and Adam behind me. It was very uncomfortable, being squished up between a bunch of people. 

I took a deep breath but quickly regretted it as a strong smell filled my nose. I groaned loudly, and the Ducks yelled, 


"It wasn't me!" Goldberg pleaded innocently. 

"No, it was me!" Dean said while raising his arms up with victory. 

Everyone tried skating away, trying to get away from Dean and his smell. It didn't work, and caused everyone to fall to the ice. I fell forward onto Charlie, getting a face full of the 96 on his jersey. 

"Sorry about that, Conway," I told him, trying to stand up. I felt an arm pull me up, and turned to see Julie. 

"It's alright, no biggie."

"Thanks, Julie. Don't know what I'd do without you." I jokingly bowed, before we were tied back up again. 

This time, I was pushed right into Adam, him facing me. I was about to lose balance when he held my waist to keep me steady. We laughed at our awkward position, not being able to keep it in. 

"Everybody go left," Dean instructed. 

"Who made you leader? Everyone go right." Fulton told us, and once again everyone tried going their own way, making us fall once again. 

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