Internecion Cube reference if ykyk

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Watch it to get it

Nick- Hey so am I still gonna explode or what? Z?*Proceeds to poke Z in her sleep mode*

Z-*Finally wakes up and sees Nick above her measuring her knives for fingers and as her eyes blink unindividual*

Nick-*looks at Z for a moment before realizing shes awake and drops her claw hands* uhhhhhhh

Nick and Z-*proceeds to look at the sus position they r in and turn back at each other's faces*

Nick-uh s-ss-soooooo...

Z-*blushes as da background music intensifies*

Nick-E-eh nonononono , not what u think. No science going on here. Reverse engineering u would be..-highly unethical...which is y this just was purely....s-sexual? *realization at his mixed up dialogue*

Z-*Dunks Nick's head on the snow with her claw hands*IK WHAT THIS IS

Nick-no u dont.

Z-you-you've got a...a hand thing..?

Nick-huh-oh uh YEaH, thats it-specifically yours. so slender and murdery..I just wanna-hold em..

Z-...ILLEGAL. THATS AGAINST MY USER MANUAL.*Lets Nick free and doing a nervous pose while blushing to the side*

Nick-Obviously what makes it so sinfully appealing ahah..More importantly I didnt know u slept.

Z-*Cool but dramatic pose* EVIL NEVER SLEEPS!

Nick-mhmm but if it did, what function would that serve exactly? It seems to leave u quite vulnerable. Must've only been able to enter it when u feel safe, no?

Z-*Drops and blushes as she flips her hair away from her visor* Hm ofc. im in the possession of the administrator. Like it or not, I cant harm u directly unless ur access is revoked-

Nick-buuut didnt u just-

Z-Shut up. But in the same way..the administator would never..h-hurt m-me..right?


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