The Beginning

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Sachie's pov

So let's go back in time, back to the ripe age of 4 years old. I was signed into some karate program. We were just jumping on some blocks and shit. I was making friends like the little social butterfly I was raised to be. But then I met a girl named Lauren. She was nice and our moms were talking. Turns out she went to the same school as me.

When we went to school we were the only girls in our grade. So of course we became friends. Although she was a big controlling I had no one else. Eventually we met a girl who was a year above. Her name was Kayuni, she was so sweet, kind, and a bit quiet. Eventually she went on to a different building in school, we barely saw her that year. That's when we got more girls in our class.

I was very social, so my friends became Lauren's friends too. Over the year Lauren and I got into a lot of fights. Our moms said *We fight like sisters.* And that was what we thought, for two whole years.

We talk, fought, and helped. One time we had a sleepover. She had a sibling and got upset when she had to sleep on the floor -on a mattress- she threw a bit of a fit. I was awake the entire time and I heard a lot of things. Her mother was calling her names. Then I drifted to sleep once it ended.

The next day we were at recess -we were still in grade school- and told our friend group about the incident that night. (Yes, we had a sleepover on a school night.) And she snuck up behind me and yelled at me, none of my friends told her to stop. I ran over to a bench and cried. My p.e. teacher came out and saw me crying. He helped comforted me, I told him about what happened and he said *Mistakes happen, you make them, we all do. No need to cry. You can apologize and spend some time to yourself.* After the I cheered up. After that, I got into the habit of saying sorry to everything. EVERYTHING.

Word count: 376

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