i dont want to do this

42 1 0

Mika's POV

"You really shouldn't do that. It's bad for you."

I was sitting on the rooftop of my apartment building smoking a joint. Third one in the past hour, so you could say that I'm going through it right now.

"I know THE Lauren Jauregui isn't condemning me for smoking." I sneer, ashing my joint out on the shingles below me next to my feet.

My knees were to my to my chest, arms wrapped around them as I looked to the stars. I blew out another plume of smoke before speaking again.

"If you've come out here to fight with me—" I started before being cut off by the raven haired girl standing behind me. I could almost feel her eyes staring into the back of my head. Those green orbs that normally took my breath away. I know I couldn't bare to look at them now so I closed my eyes before tilting my head back and taking another long pull of the aforementioned joint.

"Why do you always assume I want to fight you?" She asks, now sitting next to me.

I could now feel her eyes on the side of my head. I took a deep breath before returning my stare to the rooftops in front of me, still not able to meet her eyes. Though, this didn't last long. Soon enough, I felt her hand caress my left cheek not long before turning me to face her. Her emerald greens sparkled with anticipation under the moonlight.

I'm sure I looked like a fool. My mouth slightly agape, letting out small breaths, making it drier and drier by the second. My brown eyes low and half lidded due to the two and a half joints I had prior to Lauren's interruption. And my heart was pounding, which I'm sure she couldn't see or hear, but I still wasn't convinced she didn't peep how much of a whirlwind she puts me through by just looking at me.

"I didn't." Lauren said, confusing me as her words tend to do as I'm preoccupied getting wrapped up in her eyes. "I didn't come out her to fight you. I came out here to check on you." She looks away from me. "Cause that's what friends do."

A small smile makes its way onto my face as I run my fingers through my hair and extend my legs out, getting comfortable. The joint I was smoking had gone out due to the lack of me hitting it, but I didn't mind. I placed it about a foot from my left and hoped I didn't forget about it later.

"Thank you." I say to her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?" I sighed. "I got dumped. On my birthday."

"On live." Lauren added, making me shoot her a look.

Yeah. That's right. I got dumped. On my birthday. On live.

"Ughhhh!" I groaned, rubbing both hands over my face. "Thing is." I pause to spark my joint back up. "I'm not even mad about it. I think we all saw this coming. But did it have to be on live though?" I rolled my eyes, taking another hit and leaning back till I was lying down looking up at the stars.

Lauren adjusted to lay her head on my shoulder. I coughed to hide the fact the I definitely took a whiff of her hair. Lauren and I were always...close. We've never hooked up, but we've cuddled, slept in the same bed, you know, the sort of things close friends do. However, was my heart pounding out of my chest due to the proximity of the beautiful girl next to me? Absolutely.

"You kind of deserved it, you know?" She teased, poking me in the cheek.


how did we get here? (b.e. + l.j.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang