Julie and I made our way to the ice twenty minutes later, followed by the rest of the recruits, besides Dean. I had no idea where he went. Julie sported her Maine jersey, while I was wearing my Alaska one. 

Once we were on the ice, we stood in a line across from the Ducks with our helmets off so they could see our faces. I heard the whispers instantly, but I didn't mind. I just smiled. 

"Oh my gosh, that's Augustine Jensen!"

"That's the best player in America!"

"Averman, look at who it is!"

"Goldberg, it's not nice to point! Put your hand down!" 

I heard someone reprimanding another, and I chuckled at their amazement. Even the coach was in shock. 

"So tell me about my new kids," the coach, Bombay, said to Mr. Tibbles. 

He began to go down the line, introducing us, starting with Luis. 

"Luis Mendoza, from south Miami. I clocked him blue line to blue line, 1.9 seconds." Bombay looked surprised, and Luis began skating around as fast as he could. "But there's one tiny problem. He can't stop." Luis proceeded to crash into the boards behind one of the goals nearest to us. 

I gave my helmet to Julie while Kenny and I skated over there and got him off the ground and back onto his feet. 

"I almost had it that time!" I shook my head while laughing. No, he did not almost have it that time. 

Kenny was introduced next. "Is that that Olympic figure skater?" Bombay asked. 

"Yep. Ken Wu. Put a stick in his hand and nobody's been able to touch him." Kenny was showing off his figure skating skills. 

"Next, Dwayne Robertson from Austin, Texas. Best puck handling I've ever seen." Mr. Tibbles went on. 

"You mean for his age?" Bombay asked, confused. 

"No, I don't."

Dwayne was showing off his puck handling skills, and I immediately could tell he liked to showboat just a little. 

"Then, we have Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. Won Maine championship for her team three years in a row." 

"We already have a goalie, Goldberg." Bombay looked over at Goldberg who was struggling to stay on his feet, and eventually fell. "We could use a backup."

I scoffed. Julie was way better than a backup. I watched her skate to the goal while the ducks formed a line, trying to score on her. The only person able to was #99, and it was clear he was one of the best. 

Finally, Mr. Tibbles introduced me. "Is that Augustine Jensen, the girl who's the best in the nation?" Bombay was asking. 

"Yep. Best player in the state of Alaska, and like you said, currently holding title of best female in the nation. I've never seen anyone like her. Offence, defense, even goalie sometimes, she's there. I've seen her take down guys three times her size, and she's really fast. " Mr. Tibbles then lowered his voice so pretty much only Bombay could hear. "She's also Icelandic, so I don't doubt it if she has ice running through her veins. Makes her prime target for the Iceland team." 

While Mr. Tibbles was telling the Ducks about me, my eyes met #99's, his blue eyes meeting mine. He narrowed his eyes while smiling, as if liking a bit of competition. I narrowed my eyes and sent him a smirk back. He'd soon learn I was more than competition. 

"Adam, Charlie, Fulton!" Bombay called three players out from the Ducks and motioning for them to take center ice, probably to go against me. Goldberg also skated back to his goal. I smirked, putting my helmet on. I could already tell they were a tad bit cocky. 

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