Chapter 2. David vs. Goliath

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author's notice:

imagine the biblical face off between david and goliath but without plot armor. and yep this chapter here will give you the answer.


QE: "my god..... is that a ship!?"

The ship which is their destination has finally come into view, and everyone aboard the transport craft was in a state of stupor before mutsu replied to the question.

Mutsu: "instead of a ship, it's more like a massive space fortress, but I don't see any guns and other armaments on it, despite it's size."

Bismarck: "nearly everything about him and his ship are totally alien to us, it wouldn't be a surprise if his weapons are completely different to the ones we are using."

bismarck remembered him disclosing the weapon he used to slaughter the siren forces.

Nagato: "bismarck is right we shouldn't base a ship's capability by mere appearance alone"

Hornet: "sis what does he look like?, i only saw how much of a giant he is but never saw what's under his helmet."

the girls who saw what his appearance are, suddenly became a little bit flustered, and some of the girls who never saw his face wear a confused looks while the other had an idea of what he looks like.

Enterprise: "i-it's better for you sister to see for yourself."

Hornet: "aw... that shucks i wish i was able to see his face"

QE: "warspite did you brought the camera along with you?"

Warspite: "yes your highness"

warspite pulled out the camera and she then set up the film and begun recording.

Z23: "it seems there are others who are a bit skeptical about his claims?"

Pow: "yes, the faction members are pestering us to confirm the claims so we brought along the camera for everyone to watch once we're back and to dispell some remaining doubts"

Z23: "can we also ask for the copy?"

QE: "yes, and does that mean you also have those who are skeptical of him?"

Bismarck: "yes and just like you guys we are being pestered by them, fortunately for us they know what is patience"

their conversation suddenly got interrupted when a near realistic holographic figure materalised in the middle of the bridge which revealed to be V'lex wearing a robe and they could clearly see his entirety which is hidden underneath the armor prior to meeting which spooked a few of the girls and it seems his looks once again catches some attention from some of the girls specially hornet who seems unable to directly look at him.

V'lex: "my apologies for the rough journey as this is the usual routine for interstellar travel"

pow understand as to why he's now apologising as this is different to what they experienced back on the surface.

Pow: "non taken v'lex"

they are now within a kilometer towards the ship and the ship's form nearly swallowed their peripheral field of view due to how massive the ship is, and around the ship they saw multitude of objects in different shapes and sizes flying around as if they are patrolling.

Hornet: "holy cow! that's overwhelmingly bigger than i'd initially thought!"

they just keep staring at the ship's hull which is pulsating a bluish glow all over it's surface which indicates something is active and also the drones are scurrying around them.

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