BIO. part 2.

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additional notes:

i might edit some parts that seems a bit off here and the previous ones since i worked on it really late in the night which is turning my head into mush, until I'm done reviewing I'll proceed to first chapter


Central administrator, code name "navigator"

escort drone ships's AI

- Valkura

- Vellura

- Vashtra

- Vetum

- other low tier sub systems AIs


- can create pocket dimension around itself by manipulating the way it's anti gravity engine works in conjunction with it's phased shift module

- capacity to modify and upgrade itself based on it's previous and predicted engagement

- mind probe

- experience and knowledge sharing through direct or indirect neural contact

- invisibility on both visual and other forms of detection

- resistance against extremely high temperatures (up to 150000000° degree celsius with shielding and around 40000° without shielding) and extremely low temperature (near absolute zero)

- higher mobility (can outmaneuver even a starfighter craft of other civilizations)

- can teleport at a considerable distance using it's phased shift module

human form appearance:

gender - male

what he looks like - long knee length white hair, iridescent eye color, fair complexion, 20ish, lean body build and with a notable markings all over his body like a tattoo that's pulsating with faint white light

height: 12 feet tall

weight: 120 kilos


- skin tight nanite suit (with body regulator functionality and also capable of protecting the wearer against energy or kinetic based weaponry along it's function to deploy shield around the user)

- j*di knight like robes that hides his skin tight suit


- standard armor of the evolved human soldiers (bears a resemblance to the kr*ptonian soldier's armor) with additional functionality of matter generators, four armor mounted guided plasma torpedoes apertures on the back

- standard armor of the evolved human soldiers (bears a resemblance to the kr*ptonian soldier's armor) with additional functionality of matter generators, four armor mounted guided plasma torpedoes apertures on the back

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the rigging are similar to this one but has design and armor placement of his ship form

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the rigging are similar to this one but has design and armor placement of his ship form


- mind probe

- telepathy

- telekinesis

- sentient being enthrallment

- brainwash

- superhuman strength

- experience and knowledge sharing

- superhuman speed

name: V'lex (nickname: navigator)

personality: barely able to display emotions, ask first before shoot mentality (sometimes the opposite if deemed necessary)

affiliation: evolved humanity (type 7 civilization), base form humanity or the ancestors (humanity of 1940's)

enemies: the plague, sirens

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