I think I'm gonna regret doing this

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Basically I like to consider slapping two different things together to make something.

Puyo Puyo and Sonic definitely worked because I was inspired by somebody else to do it.

So, story time: a few days ago, @GaiaKoraidon was discussing a certain topic on a show called "YooHoo & Friends" (I'll admit I watched a few episodes in the Korean dub (sometimes the language it was originally made in is better)), and I made an idea for an AU of the second season (and potentially the rest of the series), and then as I was working on something for that, the idea popped up.

YooHoo, but Goonya Monster.

I've got stuff planned out, but I have so many hurdles to clear. How would I want the gang to interact with the one character that is going to be the only actual character besides the Monsters and Undead from the game (spoilers: that character is Orca because I fUCKING L O V E  H E R)? How can I YooHoo-fy the Monsters and Undead? I know I want to change up the story, but how can I get the balance between adventure-filled comedy and heavy stuff from the two? Could I actually manage to see it through to the end? How am I supposed to appeal to the fandoms I'm fusing for this?

I dunno, man, I might update on the situation if anyone wants to see what I've got for it

Reasons why Null should probably get helpWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt