Shelly,chuck and chili

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In the kitchen chuck was making popcorn over the stove in the pot as he opens the lid as popcorn pops out as he trys to catch as few in his mouth just as chile walks in through the door with a lamp as she walks in closing the door as chuck sets the lid back on the pot.

"Did you hear screaming"she aksed him walking over setting the lamp on the counter.

"Oh it's probably Debbie having an come you never scream when we have sex"he says before asking her the last part.

"Give me something to scream about"she says with a smile just as the power goes out making her scream as he jumps grabbing the lamp turning to her with worry "what's the matter"he asked.

"Nothing I was just practicing"she says with a smile.

"Don't do that to me"he says with a sigh setting the lamp back down.

"Here go down to the cellar and check the fuse box"chili says handing a small flashlight as he takes it before heading into the cellar.

Haley was the one who turned off the power as she and Jason wait for who ever comes down to the cellar as the door being opened by Chuck who slowly walks in with a flashlight "nothing to be afraid of man so what if it's dark"they here him mutter to him self walking down the cellar stairs as he looks around with the flashlight as he walks barefoot across the wet stone floor as he looks for the fuse box before hereing a noise as he turns around "who's there"he says.

Shelly was shown stumbling to the house as he bleeds heavily from his neck were Haley slashed his throat as he stumbled into the door. Chili was shown by the stove as she heard the noise "chuck you back already"she asked as she picks up the lamp walking to the door turning on the outside light "well at least you get the outside lights working"she says before opening the door showing Shelley with his bleeding neck as he chokes on his blood "nice make up job"she says before walking away as he slides down against the arch way of the door dieing.

"Stop fooling around man"she says thinking it was one of his tricks.

Chuck looks at the inside of the fuse box with the flashlight as he fixes a switch lever pushing it up as the light in the cellar comes on showing Jason and Haley standing behind him "that's better"Chuck says before turning around as he screamed before Jason grabs him by the neck and shoved him into the fux box as he screamed as he was electrocuted as sparks fly.

The lights flicker in the house and kitchen as making chili look around confused before looking out the kitchen window before looking at the flickering lights wondering "what's going on"she says looking around as she then huffs walking over to Shelly crunching down"get up! Shelly enough is enough!"she says moving his shoulder as he just falls to his side dead as she gasp realizing he really was dead this time as she gets up looking at the blood on her hand as she backs Way.

"Oh my god!"she yells running through the house with a blood curdling scream as she runs into the living room "Andy? Debbie? Shellys dead"she cry's out as she walks around the living room to the stairs running up them.

Haley walks to the fire place as she crutches down taking two fire pokers out as she hands one to her brother as she stands up just as they here her scream as she found there bodies before she was running down the stairs as she gasp seeing to people with freighting mask before she was stabbed in the back and chest with hot pokers as her skin sizzled and smoked as she groans slowly falling to the ground dead.

"That leaves only Rick and Chris pick her up we need to stage the body like the rest"Haley says as Jason picked up the body's as they staged the ones in the house in different places as the staged the bikers body's between the barn and house as the wind blows as they wait for there two final victims.

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