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Haley watches the others hiding behind trees before she sees Jason walking over "what's wrong"she asked noticing his shoulders tense up before pointing as she turns her head seeing three intruders that looked apart of a bike gang"you know where they our"she asked before he hands he there wallets he got from there trashed bikes.

She takes them as she opens each one finding out there names were fox,ali and loco but she knew those were there Nick names"then lest go take care of them before we start the hunt"she says before they walk off.

Ali was emptying the gas from the van into cans he was a bald man with a little bit of facial hair wearing a jean open vest with a black widow on the back with a red long sleeve shirt and jeans with boots.

Loco who wore sunglasses with short gell backed hair with a little bit of facial hair as he wore a sleeveless open jean vest with buttons and a black design sleeveless shirt with a belt and jeans with boots as fox who had curly black hair held up with a bandana tied around her head as she wore black leather pants with heeled boots and a red rop with a black leather jacket as they head to the barn.

Fox climbs over the fence as she drops on her feet before walking to the barn a she slowly opens it with a creek walking in before closing it as she looks around before pushing a thing of hay over with a smile before looking at different things on on the wall before tripping almost getting stabbed in the face as she slowly gets back up breathing heavily.

Haley watches from above with her mask on as she tilted her head before making a little bit of strands of hay fall gaining fox's attention before hiding.

Fox walks up to a later that leads to the floor above were Haley and Jason were hiding as she climbs up the latter before pulling her self onto the floor.

Ali and loco were almost done filling up the cans with gas"here take this in the barn and start pouring and find fix"ali says as loco walks to the barn with one of them with a cigarette in his mouth as he walks through the open gate before hearing cheering as he looks up taking his glasses off as fox smiles swinging out on a rope before stopping inside laughing from from rick eas earlier pulling uo hay.

"What the hell are you doing fox? Get off that thing Ali is gonna be pissed he sees you screwing around"loco says as he looks down as he sets the gas can down as she swings again "this feels good"she says as she continues as Haley pops out with a pitch fork stabbing fox in the throat as she pins the women to the board behind her off the ground.

Fox chokes on her bloody as it rushed out her mouth and neck as she sees a woman before her in a frightening mask as they tilt their head as she slowly dies.

Loco then looks up noticing she's gone as the rope swings back and forth"what the hell"he says before walking to the barn door with the gas can as he opens the door stepping in and closing the door.

He looks around "fox where are you"he calls out but it was selient in the whole barn as he slowly walks forward "stop screwing around your messing everything up!"he says but still she doesn't say anything as he puts down the gas can as he takes off his jacket before seeing ladders to the floor above as he climbs up them"your dead now women"he says as he climbs.

"Fox"he says half way through the opening before pulling him self completely up on to the floor as he stands looking around as he slowly walks around not seeing fox's dead body pinned behind him before he turns around as he stares wide eyed as his cigarette falls from his mouth before turning just as Jason appears with a plow shovel as he stabs it through locos gut as he gasp as he slowly falls to his knees before falling back dead as Haley steps out as she and Jason stare at his dead body.

"Fox. Loco"ali says standing in front of the barn door with two gas cans in his hands his shirt hanging on one"open the damn door"he says before kicking at it "fox"he says before sitting the gas cans down as he opens the door with a creak before picking up the gas cans as he walks inside as the door closed behind him.

He sits the cans down as he looks around the barn"what the hell are you guys doing up there? You hear me talking to you"he says looking up the ladder before locos body rolls off from above as Haley kicks him off as the body falls onto Ali who sits up with loco before seeing he was dead before pushing him off as he quickly gets up as he looks up"fox!"he yells when suddenly Haley and Jason jump down from above into one of the horse pins.

Ali looks around breathing heavily before he picks up a machete as he walks to the horse pen they dropped into as he opens the gate walking in"when I find you two bastards y'all are dead!"he yells as he pushes stuff around as cuts a net.

He turns around as Jason appears behind him with a "shit"Ali says as he goes to swing until screaming in agony with a blade of a scythe stabs him through the back before Haley kick shim off as he falls onto the ground.

Jason turns him over as he stabs him repeatedly in the face before stopping as he stand sup breathing heavily "now let's get ready for the hunt tonight brother"Haley says taking off her mask as they hid the bodies before leaving.

Vengeful Siblings part 3Where stories live. Discover now