Chapter VII - Boredom

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Opening - Kaikai Kitan by Eve


[The Next Day]

Megumi, Nobara, and (Y/n) lounge at the front porch of the dormitories'. Each of them are sitting on separate steps of the bottom staircase, and made small conversations from time to time.

"Live a long life?" Nobara was informed by Megumi and (Y/n) about what had happened the day prior, regarding Yuuji's demise. "Doesn't mean much when you go and die yourself." She doesn't appear to be fazed by the loss. "Is this your first time having a partner die?"

(Y/n) is the first to answer this question. "Yeah."

Then Megumi. "First time for one my age."

Nobara hums. "You two seem to be taking it well, considering."

"Same to you." Megumi remarks.

"Of course." Nobara looks away from her classmates. "I only knew him for about two weeks. I'm not some simple woman who breaks down bawling when a guy I barely know dies." She clicks her tongue in irritation. "Jeez." Megumi and (Y/n) couldn't help but to steal a glance at her, noticing that she was trying to contain her grief; this was present in her trembling lips, which she was trying to seal tightly to the best of her abilities.

Megumi isn't someone you could rely on for comfort, but he tries to make the situation not as bad by just not talking about Yuuji. "It's hot, huh?" 

And Nobara, though she doesn't say it, appreciate the consideration. "Yeah. Wonder if it's time for summer uniforms."

(Y/n) crosses their arms over their bent knees, falling into their daze as they had realized. 'This is only the second time I've grieved over someone's death. And, in a way, it's my fault that it had happened. -- No, could there had even been a way to stop Sukuna from going that far, as to holding Yuuji hostage? No one could've even anticipated that he would be that crazy. He's definitely not some normal curse; his title speaks for itself. Whether or not we were prepared for the worst, would it have even made a difference? That guy will always be a step ahead of us, no matter what.'

'And now that he knows that I'm a descendant of his, there's no mistake that he's going to come after me once he comes back to life. Even though Yuuji's gone, there are still plenty of fingers that will resurrect him. And without a vessel like Yuuji, to keep in check, surely it'll be more easier for him to use his next vessel for his own guilty pleasure, other than killing me and everyone else here in Jujutsu Tech...the best that I could at this point is to make sure I can do more than what I did yesterday...'

"What's this?" The three first-years are interrupted of their silence when a certain jujutsu sorcerer had approached them. And like them, she was a student in Jujutsu Tech, too. "You're looking more glum than usual, Megumi, (Y/n)." She had a high pony tail to secure her long (dark) green hair, and pair of glasses that gave herself an intimidating look. Though that could just be the stern look on her face. "This a wake or something?"

Megumi recognizes her at first glance. "Zen'in-senpai."

"Don't call me by my last name!" Her name was Maki Zen'in, and she was a second-year in Jujutsu Tech. And also a grade four sorcerer. 

"Maki! Maki!" Maki's attention was altered to the other two second years that had joined in on the scene. One of them was a literal panda, and the other was a boy that was significantly shorter than Maki, and had a high-collared uniform jacket to cover his mouth.

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