Chapter 1

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    It was a normal day at UA high. Class 1A had a training session at the USJ. The whole class was whining that they had to train so much.

     "Awww come on! I want a break!" Mina was complaining that they had more training.
     Kirishima seemed happy "I love training!".
     And of course Deku was mumbling to himself.

     Aizawa walked in. "Alright problem children go get your hero costumes and meet by the bus or whatever.". Aizawa left the class and he felt like something was off about this training but he didn't know for sure. So he thought he would just keep a watch out.

Meanwhile at the LOV base.

     The whole league of villains were yelling about how they were going to attack the USJ but Shigaraki was sitting on the couch.(yes the LOV was formed by this point). Shigaraki was thinking of something. Toga realized this. "Shiggy! What are you thinking about?". Shigaraki didn't respond but just went to his room.

At the USJ

     About 30 minutes into their  training villains showed up. Shigaraki noticed that Aizawa was acting different so he decided to retreat. The villains were confused "hey Shigaraki! Why did you end the mission early!" One of the villains complained. Shigaraki went to his room ignoring the others. Shigaraki thought to himself. " do I like Aiizawa? No he's a hero... I'm a villain... but he was acting different... what's this feeling!" The other villains heard Shigaraki bang of his wall. "He's upset about something" Kirogeri thought. "He's feeling something that he's never felt.". Kirogeri knew something was wrong but didn't say anything.

A couple days later.
Shigaraki was walking in an alleyway to clear his mind. He was wearing a black hoodie, along with some sweet pants. As Shigaraki was walking he saw Aizawa on the ground covered in blood. "Woah what happened to you Eraser-head?" Shigaraki said as he walked towards Aizawa. "If you came here to kill me do it I can't move.". Shigaraki was surprised because Aizawa almost never gave up. He took off the hand that was on his face. And gave him a bandage. Aizawa was shocked but took the bandage. Shigaraki slightly smiled as his red eyes looked into Aizawa's eyes. But when Aizawa blinked he was gone.

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