I'm Afraid... I Don't Want To Be Afraid... (missing scene, ep 21)

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Synopsis: Lachesis didn't think she would be alone in her thoughts of how Geryon was treating them. And the only person who seemed to understand her concerns was not the person she had envisioned


Lachesis wasn't sure what to do. She had thought that Atropos and Clotho would understand her concerns. That maybe they would realize this game they were playing was getting too dangerous. Instead, she had been told to shut up and thrown away. Clotho had seemed a little concerned. At least, Lachesis hoped that was what her words meant.

It seemed like everyone was against her on this, though. They'd all regret it when what she warned them about happened. But, she really didn't want to see it come to that. She wanted to go back to when it was the three of them alone doing all of this. Why did they need this freak helping them anyway? They had been doing perfectly fine on their own, hadn't they?

Lachesis was uncertain what to think about Minato and his reaction to everything. He seemed the most on her side, which was weird to think about. It hadn't been that long ago they had been trying to practically kill each other and now it seemed they understood the dangers of this better than anyone else. What was her life coming to?

She hadn't known how to exactly determine Minato's exact stance on the situation. Fortunately, she didn't have to do much. Spanner was the one who made it apparent just what Minato thought. And that just confirmed they seemed to have the same idea about all of this.

She had helped him get somewhere more safe and then did her best to treat his wounds. As he said, Spanner had missed every vital area by just a bit. The damage was bad, but at least it wasn't deadly. Lachesis didn't know how she would do this on her own if Minato had died. She desperately wanted someone on her side. Just didn't expect it to be someone who was once an enemy.

"How do you plan to face Geryon after failing to do what he wanted?" Lachesis couldn't help but ask.

"Don't know." Minato winced as she pulled too tight on some bandages. "I'll think of something when he asks."

"You don't seem too worried. Don't you fear he might kill you?"

"As you said, he'll get rid of us when he doesn't see a need for us. Right now, he still needs us. I'll be fine." Minato replied.

"But for how much longer will he need us...?" Lachesis whispered, mostly to herself.

"I don't know. With everything that just happened, he'll need a better plan so he will need us to help for a bit longer."

"What if he... uses us for an experiment?" Lachesis shivered and wrapped her arms around herself at the thought.

She didn't want to be used unwillingly by that man. He gave off major creep vibes. What would he do to her? What would he even do to her if he found out she wanted to leave? Part of her was doubting he would just kill her. That seemed to easy for what he was like.

"I... don't know." Minato replied. "If it comes to that... your only hope might be to be saved by the enemy."

"Be saved by your students..." Lachesis repeated.

"It might be hard to believe, but Ichinose would help you without hesitation if he saw you were suffering. He's that type of person."

"I don't want to be saved by some spoiled brat but..."

It might be her only chance if it came down to that. To seek refuge with the enemy. To let them strike her down and then plead for them to not let Geryon take her back. It felt pathetic to even think about having to do so, but pride didn't matter if you were dead.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see." Lachesis concluded. "Do you think you can stand? He probably won't like us vanishing for too long."

"I can try." Minato said.

With her help, he was able to get back to his feet. He had to use her as a crutch in order to walk, but slowly the two of them made their way back to the Academy. They both shared anxiety over just what was going to come next. Was one of them going to soon be discarded like trash?

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