Cooking Lessons With Hopper1

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Synopsis: Houtaro is alone to cook dinner and invites Hopper to help him choose what to cook


It was just becoming evening when Houtaro returned home for the day. He was greeted by silence. A very rare experience.

He had the place to himself tonight. His mother was visiting friends and wouldn't be home until late. That meant he was free to do as he pleased.

Houtaro changed into some comfier clothes and then went to the kitchen. He was hungry. He hadn't ate much today. It had been that busy.

He looked to see if his mother had left him anything, but there was nothing already made. He had to make something for himself. That meant... he got to have fun coming up with another cool idea.

"But... what do I wanna try and make..." Houtaro mumbled out loud. He was stumped on ideas.

"Hopper!" A voice broke into the silence.

"Hopper. You really don't like staying in that card, do you?" Houtaro teased the chemy as it bounced around on the floor.

Hopper simply kept excitedly jumping around. Eventually it landed on Houtaro's head.

"Do you wanna help me make something?" Houtaro asked.

"Hoppa!!" The chemy seemed to agree.

Houtaro smiled. "Awesome! Let's make an amazing meal together, Hopper!"

Hopper landed on the counter and watched as Houtaro pulled out some different ingredients from the fridge and cabinets. Houtaro seemed quite eager to begin.

"Alright... let's start simple. Pick a rice, Hopper." Houtaro pushed three different types of rice in front of Hopper and waited.

Hopper studied the three items. After a few moments of thought, or at least what Houtaro assumed was Hopper thinking, the chemy chose one.

"Great! Let's prepare this and get it started. Then we'll choose a meat and a vegetable to add to it." Houtaro put the unnecessary items away.

He prepped the rice under Hopper's watchful gaze. Soon enough, it was cooking. Time for the next step.

"Alright. Only two options here. You thinking beef or ham for a meat?" Houtaro showed the chemy the two items.

Like before, Hopper studied the options and then eventually came to a decision. This time it chose the beef. Houtaro nodded and put away the ham.

"Alright, and a vegetable." Houtaro placed the last options in front of Hopper.

The choices were a mixed vegetable bag, green beans, or corn. Hopper looked over all of them and then picked the bag of the mixed vegetables.

"Alright! That's everything decided! Let's cook, Hopper!" Houtaro smiled.

He was having a lot of fun with this. It was fun to have a friend to cook with. Even if he wasn't sure if Hopper had any idea what any of these things were, it certainly seemed happy to help him.

After putting away everything that wasn't needed, Houtaro started cooking the rest of the items. Hopper watched. Houtaro made sure the chemy stayed a safe distance away from anything hot. He didn't want Hopper to get hurt after all.

Before too much longer, all of the food was done. Hopper did a few excited bounced around, being careful to not hit anything. Houtaro plated the food and then showed it to the chemy.

"What do you think?"


"You think it looks good? Let's eat."

Houtaro sat at the table. Hopper sat on the table and watched. Houtaro reached over and scratched the chemy on its head.

"Thanks for your help, buddy. We should do this again. But, it has to be when mom isn't here. I can't let her see you." Houtaro said.


"I know. I wish we could let her meet you but it's against the rules. I'm sure she'd love you a lot too."

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