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୨⎯ Chapter 15⎯୧

୨⎯ Chapter 15⎯୧"Reunion"

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KNEELING UPON the grassy ground, I closed my eyes, my hands gently resting upon the earth beneath me. With a deep breath, I focused my mind, allowing my connection to nature to guide me.

Drawing upon the ancient bond between my faerie lineage and the natural world, I began to channel my powers, seeking to call upon my faerie family for aid in the coming battle. With each heartbeat, I felt the energy of the earth responding to my call, a gentle hum of magic pulsing beneath my fingertips.

As I reached out with my senses, I felt the presence of my mother, her essence intertwined with the very fabric of the world around me. Through the language of nature, I whispered my plea for assistance, my voice a soft murmur carried upon the wind.

In response, the air around me seemed to shimmer with a newfound energy, the whispers of the faerie realm echoing through the trees and the flowers. Leaves rustled in the breeze, and the gentle trickle of nearby streams seemed to carry a melody of ancient magic.

With a sense of calm determination, I rose from my place of meditation. I felt a renewed sense of purpose coursing through my veins. With the aid of my faerie kin, I knew that we would face whatever trials lay ahead with courage and resilience, bound together by the enduring power of nature's embrace.

They were coming, and coming fast.


As I made my way back to the bustling heart of the fortress, it was evident that chaos was reigning supreme. Men hurried to arm themselves, their frantic movements echoing the urgency of the situation.

Among the throng, Aragorn stood, his solemn expression betraying the gravity of the moment as he inspected the swords before him. Gimli and Legolas joined him, their silent assistance a testament to the direness of our circumstances.

Approaching the group, I exchanged a meaningful glance with Legolas, silently conveying the success of my efforts to call upon the aid of my faerie kin.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers," Aragorn remarked, his voice heavy with solemnity as he surveyed the makeshift army before him.

"Most have seen too many winters," Gimli added, his tone tinged with a mix of concern and resignation.

As I observed the young faces among the assembly, a pang of sorrow washed over me. "Many haven't even reached the age of men. There are children here," I interjected, shaking my head at the sight.

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