The Smiling Critters

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9 Years later...

"STOP. IT!" A purple anthropomorphic cat with black eyes with white rings for irises wearing blue jeans, a grey shirt and a hoodie declared firmly to the yellow and orange anthropomorphic dog with the same eyes as the cat, wearing orange brown overalls with short sleeved leggings with a white, short sleeved shirt underneath, who sat at the other side of the table, not needing punctuation to get his message across.

"I'll only stop if you just explain it to me, man." The dog replied, genuinely curious of something brought up in their engrossed conversation.

"I just don't..."

"DogDay, could you please just drop it already?"

"Ok, OK; It's dropped. On the ground. Buried 6 feet UNDER the ground like a chewing bone, in fact."

"Thank you! Geez." The cat sighed as the dog, DogDay, moved to take a sip of his glass bottle of Coca-Cola as the cat did for his coffee.

"But I mean, come on, CatNap!"

The cat, CatNap, groaned in annoyance as he leaned on his chair, dangling his head back dramatically.

"You can't just sleep in all the time; the saying 'the early bird gets the worm' exists for a reason. There's so much you could do in the day like football or art o-or-or fetching a tennis ball."

"Look, this little birdy just prefers his beauty sleep; I'm not a football addict like Hoppy, not an artist like Crafty and fetching isn't really my thing."

"Ok then, CatNap; name one thing, just name the one thing you think is better than fetching." DogDay instructed the purple feline.

"Catnip." CatNap replied almost instantly in a deadpan expression.

"Really, dude? Again with the catnip? You're an addict for that stuff."

"Like your want for the Red Smoke I breath out of my mouth makes you any better."

"Me and the other Critters only ask for you to work your sleepy magic if we can't get a good night's sleep."

"Ok, true that I use it on people with sleeping trouble like the kids back at Playcare. But you can't just immediately turn to me if you have trouble sleeping; there are other ways to fall asleep too, you know. Besides, catnip makes me feel all tingly on the inside because, technically, I'm a cat and I enjoy the feeling very much so."

DogDay paused as CatNap simply nodded.

"...So you give your Red Smoke to the kids?" The anthro dog asked mockingly jokingly.

"Oh boy..." 

"I mean, I knew you were an addict with catnip but..."

"Just forget about it, alright?"

"But I never thought you would get the children addicted to your Red Smoke? Some guardian you are. Should we write you up for this?" The dog mockingly joked, prompting CatNap to roll his eyes.

"Ok, fine, fine. Just get it out of your system. Get every fraction of it out of every cell within your body."

"Ok, Ok. Geez, dude." DogDay laughed as CatNap pulled back the sleeve of his hoodie, revealing a wristwatch.

"Do you see this watch I have strapped to my wrist, DogDay? You see it?" the anthro cat asked, showing his watch to the dog as he tapped his clawed finger on the protective glass.

"4:00PM. Now I know the exact moment our friendship died."

Both CatNap and DogDay both fall into a small fit of laughter before the two finished their respective beverages.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 02 ⏰

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