Chapter 9

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Hailey's pov

Dark comfy trousers? Check.
Dark sneakers? Check.
Black hoodie with a normal T-shirt underneath so I can take it off afterwards? Check.

If someone saw what I decided to wear for "the night", they probably wouldn't be able to tell if I was ready for a secret spy mission, or if I'm just ready for a study session.

I was scrolling through my laptop when Zander bursted in my room.

"Hailey-! Did you see my.. Wait.."
he narrowed his eyes at me while adjusting his shirt.
"Why are you dressed like that? Did someone die without me knowing?"

These type of comments from my brother were so usual to the point I wasn't even offended. He hated when someone wore dark colours.

"Ugh.. It's just around the house, Zander." I rolled my eyes, making up a lie on the spot.
"Most of my clothes are dirty, too. And- woah."

I checked him out from top to bottom, only now noticing how fancy he prepared.

"And where are you going? On a date with Luke?"

"Hey! It's not as if meteor showers happen everyday." Zander answered annoyingly, sassily putting his hands on his hips.
"Besides, even Sean cancelled. He says he has "an unexpected big project due Monday", so only Luke, me, and that oversized child are going."

I guessed he was talking about Milly. Zander always has something veeery nice to say about her.

"Anyways.. I'll be back by the midnight, 1AM at most, so don't wait for me." he continued talking, adjusting his cufflinks.

"Whatever you say, bro." I scrolled up and down on a random website, waiting for my brother to stop yapping and just leave already.

"Okay then. Bye Hails!" he took a violet bag with him a left, closing the door of the house behind.

Now.. it was time for action.

Even though no one was around, I sneaked around the house as if I was a robber or something. I carefully peaked through the window and noticed Zander going in the opposite direction of the park, probably going to meet Luke and Milly first.
The best timing.
I waited for him to get further away. As he was no longer in my sight, I slightly pushed the door of our house open and slipped through. Then, I ran. And ran and ran and ran until I was out of breath. As I realized I was just a few minutes away from the park, I slowed down my pace and enjoyed the fresh evening air.
At some point, I was looking at the ground with my hoodie on, not seeing what's happening around me. (Un)expectedly, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, I wasn't looki-"

My apology was interrupted with a sudden turn around by the person I bumped into.

"Oh, no worries, mis-"

We both stopped mid-sentence and stared at each other for a few good moments.

"Ohhh, hi Hailey! W..what are you doing here?" he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"...I could ask you the same thing..!" I professionally avoided to answer the previously asked question.

"Well.. you know, I'm about to meet the guys so we can watch the meteor shower together!"

"But.. Zander told me you excused yourself from going."

An awkward silence overtook. Soon enough, it was stopped by a melodic voice coming from behind the senior.

"Oh, Seeean! I got us the galactic ice creams you wanted to try-!" a white-haired girl carelessly hopped in-between me and him.
"Oh, hi Hailey!" she quickly noticed me and waved me a hello.

Daisy... with Sean..?

I waved her back, still in bit of a confusion.
Instead of taking his ice-cream from Daisy's hand, Sean quietly stared at me, then heavily sighed, a dark blush crepting on his face.

"...Please don't tell them about this.." he shamefully glanced at the sidewalk we were standing on.

A lightbulb light up in my head.


"But still.." Sean tried to overturn the situation, crossing his arms.
" still haven't answered me why are you in the park when you told us you're staying at home.. to study?"

"About that.." I fidgeted with my fingers behind my back.
"...I was just on a small walk. You know.. taking a breather?"

"Alright then.." he suspiciously raised an eyebrow and turned to Daisy, completely changing his expression.
"Let's find a bench with a nice view of the sky while we eat the ice-cream!"

"Sounds like a plan!" she giggled in response and took his free hand.
"Let's go!"

Sean turned to me so Daisy couldn't hear what we were talking about and began whispering, his lips shaping into a smile he said the last part of the sentence.

"Look... if this has anything to do with Jake.. know that I'm not gonna tell anyone."

Embarrassed, I stared down and just let them go away.

"I'm not gonna say anything about you and Daisy then..."

Before I looked up back again, they were already on their way. Hm. Maybe this was the subject that Milly and Sean discussed in front of the school they didn't want me to know about...
Whatsoever, I made my way to the entrance of the park, searching for a peach-coloured hair in the crowd.

I just hope everything goes well tonight..


Author here! Before you begin attacking me, yes, I know I disappeared for a few months (again..) but I'm back!!1! I also know this was very rushed just so I could keep you guys entertained🥲. I'm not sure when will I post another chapter but.. this month, I guess? And please forget that thing I said "this will be done by the end of January" SINCE IT OBVIOUSLY ISN'T.

That's all for now, hope to see you soon, my little stars!🌠

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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