Chapter 1

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I remember being crouched in the bushes, my pupils sharpening as I kept my tail down. Acorn was on my left while Buck was on my right. We were stalking a large black tom cat with white paws and a white ear. He even had gray eyes, similar to mine to be exact. Acorn suddenly pressed his body against my flank, my fur bristled with alert. "What are you doing?" I inquired with a hushed tone, trying not to make much noise. These clan cats are known for being alert in their territories. 

"Tryna get your mind in order. You're staring at that tom-cat like there's no tomorrow." Acorn purred, almost too loud. I put my paw on his mouth. "I'm staring at him for any weakness you weak mousebrain!" I shouted, widening my eyes and removing my paw from his mouth. The tom-cat we were stalking whipped his head towards us. "This is your fault!" Buck hissed, tackling the tom-cat. "Acorn started it." I snarled, crawling out of the bushes. "I don't care who st-" Buck was silenced as the tom-cat rammed his head into his chest.

 Buck went flying, landing on his back with an audible thump. I have to admit, this tom-cat was quite strong! But also very dangerous. His head turned to me and Acorn, and he opened his maw, "Why are you on Thunderclan territory? We don't want the discouraging scent of the dump." he questioned in a stern tone, his tone tinging with aggression. Smell of the dump? Who does he think he is? My fur is well groomed, and I smell like roses! Not nice at all. I thought to myself, circling the tom-cat. "First off, I don't smell like the dump." I responded. 

"Yes! We don't." Acorn chimed in. "Well, I don't. He does." I point my tail towards Acorn's direction. "What?" Acorn's fur bristled but I simply ignored his behavior, leaping onto the large tom-cat's back. The cat hissed with surprise, trying to shake me off but I didn't let go. I then unsheathed my claws, digging them into his flesh. I heard him grunt in pain before he rolled onto his back, causing me to slam onto mine. My stomach was exposed helplessly, and I felt vulnerable. 

The tom-cat then tried to pin me down, but Acorn stopped him by biting onto his neck. I scrambled onto my paws once the cat was distracted, taking some deep breaths to gain my composure. "Little help here?" Acorn yelped as he was thrown into a tree. I tried to hide my snicker as I watched him helplessly try to get back onto his paws. Before the tom-cat could get an inch close towards Acorn, I stepped in front of him, my body blocking the cat's path. My tail flicked and I squinted my eyes. 

The cat bared his teeth and he got into a fight stance. My eyes locked onto his, and he dashed forward, and I got ready, but I was confused as he leaped over me. I looked behind myself, seeing him land his paws onto the tree and swiftly bounce off the tree with unsheathed claws. I yelped with surprise as I was tackled onto the ground. His body weight was heavy, and this didn't look so good. The tom-cat narrowed his eyes, raising his paw. I had to think quickly! After a few moments, that didn't even seem long, I remembered a battle technique. 

I used my front paws to grab onto the back of his neck. The tom-cat seemed a bit perplexed, but before he made a move against it, I pulled him down, shoving his face into the soil. I used my hind legs to kick his lower abdomen repeatedly. This caused him to lose hi grip and I let go, twisting my body left and scrambling away, swerving to his right and letting out a hiss. The tom-cat panted, rising onto his paws, "I never got taught that move." I heard him murmur under his breath. 

Of course you weren't, you were never intended to learn this battle move you mousebrian.

 I gained some of my energy before dashing towards him, in response, his jerked his head up, squinting his eyes as he watched me. As I ran to his direction, I turned onto my side, slipping under his belly with my claws unsheathed, and raking it smoothly. I then swiftly swerved onto my paws, watching the fresh wound bleed out. The tom-cat almost collapsed, and I leaped up so I could knock him out, but he managed to dodge somehow, sinking his teeth onto my scruff and tossing me into a tree.

 I groaned in pain, but then I caught a glimpse of Buck tackle the tom, knocking him out by slamming the cat's head onto the ground. I slowly rose onto my paws, hissing at the stinging pain. "Where were you? I almost got my fur kicked." I snarled. "Yeah, I saw," Acorn smirked, giving me that petty grin. "You watched and did nothing?" I whipped my head towards Acorn, "I could've died you furbrain!"

"Good for me, It means that I get to be the new best warrior." he purred. I almost lost it and wanted to tear his throat out so he wouldn't be able to speak anymore. Let's see how he'd like that! I thought to myself with a growl rumbling from my throat. "Both of you stop acting like kits. We have a mission to do." Buck bared his teeth, "Look, Avian, I was gathering my strength but my back hurt. So, I saved you in time before you got your fur ripped." he said it like it was simple, getting off of the tom-cat. 

"Acorn, bring this cat to the camp, me and Avian will steal the kits." he informed. Oh, is he now the leader? Ain't that something new, I thought, rolling my eyes as I examined Buck. "Do I really have to carry this heavy furbrain?" Acorn complained with a groan, "This guy is like ten times my size! They must've raised him good as a kit." he huffed. "Just shut up and do your job," Buck hissed. "Who are you to boss me around? You're not the leader!" Acorn said defensively. 

"Just do it!" Buck replied. Acorn grumbled, "Just do it." he mocked, biting onto the Thunderclan cat's scruff and dragging him. "Come on, Avian. I don't wanna do this mission longer than I have to." Buck padded away. I didn't want to either, but it doesn't mean I am bossy, I thought to myself before springing onto my paws and pursuing him calmly. 

"So, do you have a plan on how we are capturing these kits?" I questioned, curiosity filling me. "Of course I do," Buck answered, slipping swiftly through the bushes. "And that is?" I asked, still following him. "I will tell you along the way." He growled. I rolled my eyes.


My flank brushed against the bushes, and I slipped through the brambles in a stealthy manner. I used my claws to grip onto the soil, and narrowed my eyes at the area where Thunderclan raised their kits. They were playing outside of the den, and it seems their mother was busy talking with other queens. I slowly crept forward, still hidden in the bushes. Buck, however, was very close behind my rear. I kicked him with one of my hind legs, not too hard but enough to make him scramble back, groaning in pain in a low voice. 

I almost smirked at the sounds but I had to focus on my mission. I made my way towards the kits. One of them, a white tom, looked in my direction. His blue eyes glinted with curiosity. "That's a stinky rogue!" A brown she-kit called from behind with a yelp, and tried to run away, but I leaped up from the bushes, biting onto her scruff and bringing her up. "AmberKit!" Her mother shrieked, tackling me to the ground.

 I slammed with a hard impact, hissing in pain. The mother raised her paw, her claws unsheathed but her attack was interrupted as Buck rammed his head into her side, making her fall off. He pinned the she-cat, and her clanmates gathered around defensively, circling us both. I scrambled onto my paws quickly, "We're surrounded!" I said with annoyance, backing up slightly. "Still, get the kits!" Buck yowled, hopping off of the she-cat and snatching the white tom-kit. 

The thunderclan cats looked surprised and tried to save the kit, but Buck had dodged their attempts and sprinted out of their camp. Two or three warriors chased after him, and it was just me. "Why are you stealing our kits?" A dark gray tom-cat with black paws said, stepping closer. 

"None of your business, fleabag." I purred, using my paw to slap his face and swerving to my right, grasping onto the brown kit's scruff. "Amberkit, no!" The mother whimpered, trying to grab her back but I leaped over her, running off. I heard Thunderclan warriors chasing after me, and it only caused me to run faster. I slipped through the brambles, swerving left and right to confuse the Thunderclan warriors.

 I gripped onto the kit's scruff tighter and rolled onto mud on my left in a quick manner. I sprang onto my paws and ran into the shadows, hiding inside them. The kit whimpered, "Stop, it hu-" I hushed the kit with  one of my paws as I crouched down, watching the Thunderclan warriors try to find me. 

They wouldn't find me...

No, they won't. I had already stolen their kit, Amberkit, whatever this kit's name was. I would finally complete this mysterious mission.

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