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amara safa-sinclair was an incredibly anxious and insecure person, although she'd never appear that way from first impressions. her anxiety had cost her many of her relationships and friendships, as she would overthink and overanalyse every detail, and would become incredibly clingy; pushing away those people. it wasn't something she was proud of and she actively tried to stop feeling that way, but it was something she couldn't help. even though her parents and sisters reassured her that it wasn't an annoying trait, amara still felt as if her anxiety was what put people off of being friends with her.

luckily, that wasn't the case when it came to her closest friends. fatima had been amara's friend since birth considering they were childhood neighbours. fatima was an unusually calming presence, immediately soothing all of amara's racing thoughts and showing her the irrationality of them. jasmine, however, was a much more energetic and lively friend being one of the few people who were able to bring amara out of her thoughts and make her a lot more sociable. marcus was a family friend that she had grown to see as an older brother, so she never felt as if her anxious tendencies irritated him.

to her, her anxiety was the reason why herself and david had never gotten along. they had met years back, with ria being their first mutual friend. amara and ria's fathers were friends in university and so when amara's family were in london, they paid ria's family a visit. the two girls immediately made friends, with amara finding ria one of the first people who made her feel calm and comfortable. tia also happened to be dave's neighbour and so eventually amara and dave interacted with each other.

oddly enough, they had gotten along in their first few interactions. it wasn't until they were teenagers that their relationship turned sour. amara's family were over in london and staying over for the weekend at the singh's house, when one of ria's brothers had kicked the ball over to the omergie's household. amara and ria decided to personally ask for it back and we're greeted by a cold dave. he chose to simply ignore amara's presence, which was so unlike him. with amara being the stubborn person she was, she brought it up to him, eager to find out the reason why he was so cold. his cold demeanour made her question what she had done to annoy him or if he finally found her an irritating person.

he didn't offer her a good explanation and instead chose to lash out at her, reinforcing amara's beliefs. he wasn't to know that amara had an ability to hold grudges for years and never let go of it. and that's what she did. amara didn't appreciate how rude he was to her, so she simply returned his energy, causing dave and amara to argue from that day on. this hatred between them lead to future awkwardness for everyone, considering they had many mutual friends and were even on 'top boy' together. to say they argued like children would be an understatement, and there seemed to be nothing that would stop their arguments.

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