A next day Delivery

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House number 2466 is one of the highlights of being switched from first shift to third. The woman complained about you. She went up the chain of command and now they just want you out of sight for a few months. That b*tch is also the reason your girlfriend broke up with you. Downside of working at the same big box store. Word gets around.

2466 made things sound much worse than they were. She had been flirting with you for weeks. With the beginning of spring and nicer weather your normally invisible job had become damn near miserable. You had to watch for kids playing outside, drive slow so the flock of moms that socially patrol the street don’t think you’re going to hit their Sweet Emily or Little Johnny. Even though you always drive the speed limit. And God forbid Neighbor Nancy saw you not smiling as you delivered her third shipment of cat food for the month.

Recently the woman at 2466 had been out tending garden. You liked her from the get go cuz she kept headphones on and also hated socializing. You started paying attention and realized it was just her in that house. So you started engaging her in conversation. It went from a smile and a nod to her taking her headphones off her ears to engage you in a friendly banter. You knew she was looking forward to the release of her favorite authors new book and that she had a subscription of fancy chocolate delivered to her every month.

Last Wednesday was a completely normal day. The same as every Wednesday. Til you go to 2466. She had recently installed a porch swing and you found her there with a book lying on her chest.

“Oh my GAWD! You are a life saver!” She hops up the swing heading towards you.

“What can I live to serve.”

And that’s where she dropped the bombshell. “My vibrator died on me last night! I’m so glad for next day delivery!”

She grabs the package from you and does a little hip hip hooray motion. You clear your throat, “uh… I am always happy to step in next time…”

It’s like the world freezes. Her smile dims. She stares at you. Doesn’t blink for the longest time. And then she lets out a choked laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

It seemed like a pretty successful interaction if anyone would ask you. But nobody does. They take her word as fact. She called the customer service line that night and complained. She called it sexual harassment. His manager called it unprofessional.

So here you are. Day 3 of your new shift. Day 1 and 2 you spent a good amount of time thinking about pay back. Her car is vulnerable overnight. And while she doesn’t have any security cameras her neighbors do. Unless you quickly keyed her car and used your truck to block your view you’d be a dead man walking. You figure you could park in front of her driveway and deliver a package to her neighbor. Use that time to scratch something nasty into her car. You just have to wait to get a delivery for her neighbor.

Here we are on day three. Half a block before her house. No nearby deliver due. That’s when you see her porch light come on.

What the f*ck, you think. How the f*ck does she know what you’re waiting to do.

But then you see a figure emerge from the house and take off up the street in a slow jog. Practically a trot. Not that you’re judging. She’s got tight pants and a marshmallow of a coat. From here you can’t tell if she’s got a hat on or if she’s just pull her hair back. Not that it matters.

Guys who have been wronged in the way you have rarely get opportunities like this. A chance to confront the woman who screamed “wolf” and got you stuck on THIS shift. You hate this shift. Maybe if you could talk to her she’d withdraw her complaint and you could just not talk to her ever again.

You skip a few houses and park two streets in front of her. It’s a gamble assuming she’ll pass by but you hop out of your truck and start “searching” the back for a package to “deliver.” You can hear her feet slapping the ground as she approaches. You grab the closest box and turn abruptly.

Stepping into the sidewalk you force her to stop and make eye contact. You widen your eyes like you didn’t know she was the one you were colliding with.

2466 stops and stares at you. Her mouth makes the perfect O shape. She looks like she thinks you make Dateline her. It’s insulting.


That one word sets you off. You grab her by the hair and yank her close. “Scream and I’ll slit your throat.” You hiss. By the way, you don’t have a knife. You’re not some psycho.

You dig your fingers into the scruff of her neck and steer her towards your van. You almost put her in back but you’re smarter than that. You make her climb over the driver seat and awkwardly sit in the passenger seat. She’s crying now.

“Please don’t kill me”, she sobs.

Your first pound the steering wheel. “Shut UP” you scream at her. “Shut up shut up shut up.”

She immediately obeys which gives you the chance to put your truck in gear and drive her a few miles away to the parking lot of the local dive bar. You check your work app on your phone and mark that you’re on break.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You ask turning to her.

“What … is … wrong… with me?” She repeats like a moron.

“We were flirting! I was just trying to be nice! And you complain???” You shout at her.

“I’m …. I’m so sorry.” She sobs.

“You fucking b*tch.” You snarl. She’s not sorry. She’s saying what she thinks you want to hear. She thinks you’re an idiot. “Get in the back of the truck, 2466.”

She looks at you confused. “Whaat? That’s not my name…” and she lets out a loud and obnoxious half snort half sob.

“Get. In. Back. Do not make me ask again.”

She’s crying louder now but she complies. As she climbs over you give her a head shove enjoying the moment she smacks face first onto the floor of the truck.

“Why are you doing this?” She has snot dripping down face. You’re disgusted by her. She looks so pathetic.

“Turn around and pull down your pants”, you instruct her.

She hiccups a sob but complies wordlessly.

Your member is throbbing and hard. You guide it alone her ass with your hand. She’s whimpering but you’ve got your left hand firmly around her neck.

“Please don’t.” She pleads with you.

You shove your member inside her vagina in response. A scream of pain pieces the night. It hurts her and you aren’t even all the way inside yet. You thrust yourself deeper. You hadn’t planned on this so it’s not even really all the enjoyable. Thank god you can tell how much it hurts her.”

Pounding against her backside you make sure she gets to feel every inch of you. You can hear her pleading but with her face against the wall of the truck you can’t understand her.

You pull out. Giving her just a moment of reprieve before you slide your member back into her wet pussy.

You knew she wanted you. B*tches like her always play games. You’ve still got a tight grip on her and you plow into her vagina. You can feel yourself ready to climax but she doesn’t deserve your semen.

Pulling out you finish yourself on her ass before you wipe her up with her shirt. You don’t give her back her panties. Not even her leggings.

“What are you going to do to me?” She whispers.

Grabbing her by the scruff of her neck again you drag her to the back of the truck and toss her out in the snow.

It’s -10 degrees out.

She is less than a mile away from home. She’ll be fine. This will just give her something to think about.

You lean in close to her face and breathe heavily on her. “Tell anyone and next time I won’t be so nice.” You growl before slamming the back door shut.

As you walk back to the front of the truck you can hear her fists banging on the door.

A bundle of Smut stories;)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat