"Tuk it's to early for this, go back to sleep." Lo'ak grumbled, rolling so he instead had his back to his sister. Yesterdays swim practice had left him tired and in dire need of a good nights sleep. He loved his little sister really, but that was excluding times like now.

Meanwhile the oldest slept like a rock and that left Tuk with only one option.

"Kiri! Kiri! Come on! I want to go see what's happening." Though Kiri only seemed to blink at her through bleary eyes.

"Kiri, please..?" She pulled at her sisters arm, turning to begging as her only chance. The older girl, rather weak to her sisters begging only agreed to get up and go with Tuk.

"Okay fine, let's go." She mumbled, rubbing sleep from her eyes but giving Tuk a small smile. It was hard to say she wasn't just a little bit curious.

"Wait I'm coming too." Lo'ak grumbled, curiosity had finally got the best of him and there was now no room for 'no' as an answer. Grabbing his knife and storing it on his person. His reasoning being that just incase he needed it to kill something if whatever it was, was dangerous.

He gave Neteyam a kick, sending a jolt through him as he was awoken abruptly.

"What the hell.." He groaned, sending the laughing boy a glare.

"Come on bro! somethings happening." Lo'ak finished, before quickly following after Kiri and Tuk as they disappeared out the entrance to their marui pod.

꧁ 𓆉 ꧂

"What are these things?"

A distorted, weirdly accented voice spoke. Disorientated and confused my brain remained puzzled as I felt one of my ears twitch from underneath my closed eyelids.

"There's so many.." a voice, sounding sadder for some odd reason, could be heard only a mere few feet away. Along with all the other voices, I could easily pick up on what seemed to be many people huddled around.

Whats wrong?

Daringly I opened an eye, only to be met with a fuzzy brightness that burnt into my orbs and left me Slamming them back shut again as my face scrunched in discomfort.

"That one just moved!" A lady shouted from a couple metres away in Na'vi tongue. The herd of strange people seem to grow louder, as a panic within me began to rise.

"Mawey! Mawey! My people calm, yelling will not help this Ocean Na'vi." A commanding voice spoke over the others, I fought the drive to open my eyes to try and see again but I decided it was probably best if I didn't.

Instead I began to try and breathe. My gills extending and closing as I sucked in the air particles as best as I could with the quick beats resonating in my chest. By now I had already picked up the fact that I was no longer in water, instead surrounded by air and dirt and plants. Along with the people I now believed were land Na'vi.

You see not only did we learn of Eywa, the ocean, growing up in schools. But also we were taught of more things out of the reach of our environment. Like the other kinds of Na'vi that altogether, along with ourselves, made up the whole Na'vi race.

As the voices noticeably hushed and the sound of movement died down, I found myself propping my body up by my hands, the dry sand having began to make my skin itch.

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