𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆

Start from the beginning

"Are you ready?"

Elena nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

"I will be there if anything goes wrong." Tom looked her up and down, his eyes proudly resting on her necklace.

"Do you think he will notice?"

"He will." Tom closed his book shut, turning to the fireplace. "You go ahead, I will be close behind."

Without another word, Elena left for the Great Hall. There was comfort in knowing that Tom Riddle was on her side, if she had feared him at one point in her life, other people would too. When she arrived at the gates of the Great Hall she took a deep breath, directing her gaze to the Ravenclaw table, where Rin was already sat. She put on a smile, running to his side.

"You're back!" Elena sat down next to him, pushing him a little.

"Someone's in a good mood," Rin smiled, "Everything alright?"

"Yes. I've been working on my spell. How was the orphanage? Be honest, have they missed me?"

"Everyone asked about you," Rin joked.

Elena hated this. It was as if nothing was wrong, it was how they were before the winter break. This was normal, the normal Elena had gotten used to. She tried not to let her disgust show.

"What happened to your necklace?" Rin asked, his brows knit.

"Oh, the chain broke. I am going to get it repaired soon."

"Why don't you do it with magic?"

Touché. "I don't want it repaired perfectly. I want to see where it broke."

Rin raised an eyebrow, deciding to let it go. "Did you find anything else? About the Hallows?"

The Hallows... Elena tried so hard not to roll her eyes. "No. Do you want to go out? Like now? I am a prefect, we won't get caught. I want to show you what I've been working on."

"Alright," Rin said hesitantly.

Elena half-dragged Rin out of the castle and onto the path that would lead them to where the Knights of Walpurgis had been meeting up in the Forbidden Forest. She felt the safest knowing that only the three of them would be there, if Tom would keep his word that is. She talked about random stuff on the way, about old Christmas celebrations and rambled on about her new spell. When they made it to the clearing in the woods, Elena decided to try reading his mind one more time.


When she turned to Rin, his smile had faded. The unfamiliar look in his eyes made Elena shiver. It was cold, colder than she had ever felt with him.

"What are you trying to do Elena?" Rin spoke coldly. "Do you think I can't tell?"

"What are you hiding?" Elena managed to say. "Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying." Rin said, grabbing her arm and squeezing it. "Stop trying to get into my mind."

"Rin... You're hurting me." Elena spat on his face, pulling back her arm. Rin wasn't going to tell her anything. She needed to distract him somehow, break down the walls of his mind.

Without thinking a second more, she did the first thing that came to her mind. She grabbed his tie, pulling him to her, smashing their lips together. Before Rin could comprehend what she was doing, Elena focused all her attention into entering his mind. This time she succeeded. Rin's memories came flooding to the surface.

The late summer breeze hit Elena's face as she found herself back in the orphanage's garden. It was earlier in the day, the sun had just set. Rin walked around, as if he was looking for something or someone. When the caretaker entered the garden he rushed to him, his wand ready at hand. Elena could hear him whisper 'imperio'.

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