Chapter 28

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I was teaching the children the alphabet when I felt 2 presence by the door. It looked like sangye (who was also here to keep me company) noticed, and he quickly wrapped his tail around the two and brought them inside.
Meng li, jiu ruan?! I ask why are you guys here?
turns out the one who knows letters is you... meng li says ( i can see she is very different from the others, but i don't think a girl like her can know so much like this) meng li thought.
Who taught you? Meng Li asked (who agreed to teach a girl) what he thought.
of course my teachers, i say.
Teachers? Meng li asks.
Teachers are people that teach us new things and answer our wonders, I explain.
meng li answer me, why are you here? Shuang Yun asks.
Meng Li then bows to me and says: teacher, please teach me, I want to study!.
you can but there are two conditions for you it isn't a free class for you. One class is one bonus, okay? Shuang Yun says.
sure! It's very cheap compared to what I can learn! Meng Li says.
miko can't teach everyone, so there is a limit to how many people can study. If you pass a test you can study, take the second one. Shuang Yun says.
Can the children of my tribe study too? meng li asks
If you have enough bonuses and pass the test then you can!, say's Shuang Yun.
sure! That's good, meng li says.
I want my children to study too! shouts jiu ruan.
We will try our best to pass the test and study, they both say.
All right i say.
( I guess I should prepare for class then).
For the next few days children have come to class as I teach them and it has been peaceful.

I am sitting with my mates relaxing in the sun when xue ling comes.
Can I have more seeds? he asks
sure i say handing him some seeds.
he then also sits down and eats them (whatever) i think.
I then heard a crows cawing and it was getting closer.
I stood up and saw the bird, my eyes widened with relaxation.( that is my messenger bird, how did he get here?) I hold out my arm as the bird lands on it.
what is that, bai di asks.
this is my messenger bird, i say.
I look at its paw and see a paper, huh? I wonder what it says? I say taking the paper as soon as I had it, the crow flew off again.
the guys came to me and asked.
what is it?
I don't know if I will look at the paper and read what it says.
see you soon my fallen angel, he breath hitches as i take a step back remembering who sent us the note.
I was in the lab when I was called to fight another familiar. When I walked into the room where I should fight, there was a boy a little older than me.we got ready to fight and we did but a statue appeared behind him. It looked like an angel.
every attack that i made came back to me and he stabbed himself in the leg but i got injured that is his power.
it reflects any injury to the person who did it and if he injures himself he also transfers the injury to that person, but there is a limit but the more masters he have the larger that limit is he has 5 masters now so i should be able to defeat him.
I take the form with my wings and he looks at me.
you're an angel he says.
what? I ask as I turn them to metal.
you're a fallen angel and you will be mine, he says.
We fight a bit more and he loses in the end but I am really injured now.
After that he became obsessed with me.
We would talk about making me a real fallen angel by cutting my wings off and then locking me up to be my him forever.
in one of our fights he won and cut my wings off and it hurt so much they grow back quickly but them growing back is really painful, he loved seeing my pain.
flashback over.

still in shock i turn the paper over and it has the number 15 on the back, i gasp( 15, 15,15,15 he has 15 masters how can i beat hih-how can i) i thought panicked.
I see bai di 's worried face and shang yun trying to steady me but I am scared. I slump to the ground and I am shaking now.

shuang yun pov:

i was wondering what was on that thing the crow gave miko when i saw her opening and reading it ( must we a letter then) i think. her breath then hitches and she takes a step back. (oke something is wrong) I think the others, even the bird, looks concerned, and I make our way over to her and speak to her but she doesn't answer. after a minute or so she looks up at us and then at the paper and flips it over revealing the number 15 (weird why would that be on it) i think but then i feel miko start to shake i look at her and she is scared. I have never seen her scared before and I don't like it one bit. suddenly her legs lose power and she slumps to the ground still shaking.
miko what is happening i ask.
i-i-i'm scared she says stuttering, this is bad she is never like this!.
let's take her home, bai di say's and sangye and i nod.
bai di picks her up while she is still shaking and we are ready to walk away when the bird says: what is wrong with her?
we don't know, sangye says
we will take her home, i say as we leave.
When we got home, Miko had calmed down a bit.
We put her on the bed and put a blanket over her.
After some time she is calm again and we all sit with her.
What was that about miko? I ask carefully to not trigger whatever that was again.
She then hands us the paper and says I don't want to talk about it and she crawls under the blanket.
bai di, sangye and I leave and go sit in the living room and look at the paper.
What does it say? Bai die asks.
it says see you soon my fallen angel and on the back it has the number 15, i say.
Fallen angel? sangye asks
it could refer to her wings, Bai di says.
we don't know who sent it or why she is scared because she doesn't want to talk about it, bai di says.
I have an idea but i don't know if you guys will like it, i say.
What is your idea? sangye asks.
Through our bond with her we should be able to look at her memories and just like we did with the letters we should be able to figure it out, I explain.
i think we should do it, bai di says.
yes me too, says sangye.
ok i say.
Remember that we can't get lost, I say.
Why not hold hands so we can get there together? sangye says.
oke i say as we hold hands and meditate focusing on our bond to miko and then when i open my eyes again i am in a black room with bai di and sangye.
suddenly visions of miko show up and i ask: where are we?
it must be little mikos memories, bai di says.
Her memories? sangye asks
yes we need to find the one who calls her fallen angel, bai di says.
I concentrate on the fallen angel part and all the visions start to appear and disappear. Her screams echo through the room but I keep being focused on the thought of the fallen angel and suddenly all the visions disappear and one big door appears before us.
I step forward and open the door and we all go inside.
when we get there a vision appears.
We see a young miko sitting in a room with no windows and bars around her. She is wearing a thick metal collar and looks sad.
where is she? asks sangye
I don't know, I say.
Then the door to the room opens and a man wearing a white coat walks in and says: makio we need to test your wings come now!
(who is he ordering around) i think.
Miko doesn't move or respond and the man gets annoyed and grabs something.
now makio presses something and miko lets out sounds of pain.
the collar there is lightning in it and it is hurting little miko, bai di says.
time skip
The man and Miko are now walking to a different room and when they enter the room there is another boy in there.
The man walks out and Miko and the boy get ready to fight.
Is she going to fight? I ask.
looks like it, sangye says.
we watch as miko makes a move and hits him hard but he doesn't flinch. Instead it looks like miko is in pain.
A statue appears behind the boy. It looks like an angel and he grabs a knife and stabs himself but the wound heals and Miko also gets a stab wound.
What is happening, I ask.
if he hurts himself or is hurt it reflects on his opponent, bai di says.
How can Miko win then? I ask.
I don't know, he says.
we watch as miko loses in the end and is kneeling on the floor all bloody.
she is heavily injured and says: i-i give up you win!
The boy walks over and says you are my fallen angel so I will make you a real one.
make her a real one? I have a question.
He walks to her side where her wings are and grabs a long metal sword and holds it over her wings.
oh don't tell me he will cut her wings off, i say.
the boy then says: you will be my fallen angel and stay with me forever, and if you fight back i will lock you in a cage and you will be mine for ever. he then brings the sword down and she screams in pain, the boy then hugs her and says: don't worry i will be with you forever.
We then see more visions of him and her and I feel like throwing up. we break the connection and we are back in the living room and miko is sitting on a cushion looking at us.

i'm sorry i lied, she says
we don't care about that, i say hugging her

time skip (too sappy for me imagine what you want)

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