At last, the pain registered, and Jack's breathing quickened, "I'm not... dead yet!" It felt as though a thousand needles were prickling him from within; a sensation he had not felt for a few moments, perhaps due to adrenaline.

"Where... did it hit me?" He could feel the pain, but he wasn't sure where it had landed exactly. He refused to look at it, knowing he would start panicking more if he did, so he stared at Mizuki's face the whole time. "Is it bad? Don't... move it, I'll bleed... out faster."

As Mizuki examined his wound, her expression contorted, "It's worse than bad!" Blood had started leaking down onto his pants, making them red. It didn't help that the metal had some meaty stuff clinging onto it, "I-I think a few inches to the right of your belly button? I don't know!"

"Ah shit," Jack grimaced, feeling his pants start to get damper, "Hopefully... it didn't hit anything vital. Medical knowledge would be so helpful right now."

"It would," The stress was starting to get to her, so Mizuki tried to think of a joke. Her tears had threatened to start flowing by now, "You're k-kinning Ace so much right now."

"Do you actually... want me to die?" Jack's breaths became shorter and shorter. The prickling pain from before had started to become a burning one; It was worse than any he had felt in his lifetime.

"O-oi!" Mizuki, seeing Jack's sudden shortness of breath, panicked and called out to Y/n, who was now spacing out into the darkness, "Dumbass! Stop acting like that while Jack is dying! Please, Y/n! Help him!"

In Y/n's head, he couldn't understand what Mizuki was saying. It sounded like a bunch of sounds splashed together, creating an echo. All he could focus on was the darkness, which seemed to creep closer and closer toward them by the second. His flashlight had barely any use anymore. Right before Jack was attacked, the light lit the room just enough to be able to see. Now, it barely penetrated a few feet into the dark, just like how it was in the hallway.

When? Where? What's coming? Y/n's thoughts were filled with questions. He had been preparing for something to attack again the whole time, ignoring anything else going on.

Just as he thought there was a moment of respite, he caught something from his peripheral vision moving towards Mizuki at an alarming rate. She had carelessly faced her back to the darkness, the same way Jack had done so before.

Mizuki realized Y/n was suddenly gone from his spot and heard something drop behind her. She turned around and saw the flashlight Y/n had been using on the floor. The room had also returned to its original state, the darkness somewhat lessening.

"Wh- Y/n?!" Mizuki's panic worsened a hundredfold, her eyes widening once she couldn't find Y/n anywhere, "Where are you?!"

_ _ _

What's going on? Y/n tried glancing around while holding his right arm. However, try as he might, nothing was visible. It felt like he had lost his vision, but he was sure his eyes were perfectly fine.

Y/n winced in pain while looking- or at least, he assumed he was looking- at his arm, which he had used to deflect the attack he received. Mizuki was lucky he was fast enough to block whatever that thing was because he was sure she would've died where she stood if it had hit her. No normal human being could have survived that.

He guessed he was lucky that he wasn't.

Y/n began to move around, but everything felt off. He could tell he was walking, but there was no sensation of his feet touching the ground. Neither did he feel even the slightest movement of air.

First his sight, now his sense of feeling? No, he could feel his arm just fine, so he didn't lose it. Whatever got them into this situation was messing with him. He continued walking for a few minutes, but it seemed like the room was endless.

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