Chapter 3

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As he had expected, Y/n failed the math test miserably. All he could answer confidently of twenty questions were five, and he had to guess everything else. He couldn't even review their lessons beforehand as their math class was right after English class, which had them create a 500-word essay. Now, all he could do was accept the fact that he could do nothing about it.

Y/n buried his face onto his desk with a loud thud, lamenting the miserable test he had just taken. His grades were going to take a bad hit from it, and had he not fallen asleep, he might've been able to salvage it. Well, not everything was bad news, though. Thankfully, their science class came after lunch since it was the last one for the day, so he had enough time to review during their break. He could also study during their recess, which was right now.

While Y/n laid his head down, he felt a tug on his uniform's sleeves, so he tilted his head just enough to look at the person who did so. He was relieved to see it was their president, Ai Sato, sporting a worried look on her face. He half-expected it to be met with Mizuki's shit-eating grin, but this was better.

She wore their school's uniform for females which consisted of a white blouse with a blue ribbon paired with a closed, black, two-buttoned blazer. The skirt was a dark shade of grey, and she wore a pair of black shoes with a few cute stickers, ones she presumedly put herself.

"Are you alright, (L/n)?" she asked him with furrowed eyebrows, "You don't seem too well. Is there a problem?"

With a smile on his lips, Y/n sat up straight and shook his head dismissively, saying, "Nah, it's nothing."

Silence fell upon them as Ai scrutinized Y/n for a while, who relented with a few reservations, "Hmm, that's good, I suppose. I guess this is how you usually react after failing."

Y/n raised a brow at her, "Who said I failed? Don't just assume anything. I'm relaxing."

"You undoubtedly failed," Ai responded briskly. "Have you forgotten we've known each other for quite some time? You are normally like this when you fail anything since 7th grade. I am not assuming; I am deducing."

Damn, right on the mark. He was surprised Ai just guessed that easily since no one else he'd known for a similar amount of time could. It was scary how observant she was, not gonna lie.

"However, if I did make a mistake in my judgment," Ai reassured Y/n, tucking a stray strand of her brown hair behind her ear and smiled as she ducked down to his level, "please know that I am here to help you."

Y/n silently stared at her face for a few moments and sighed in amusement, "Sure, Sato. I'll take note of that. And thanks, I guess."

"You are welcome," she responded, "I shall take my leave now. Although, before I do, where is your necklace?" she pointed at his neck, which laid bare without the accessory resting on it. "It almost feels wrong to see it missing. Perhaps you forgot to bring it?"

"Ah," Y/n rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle, "I still have it with me," he dug into his side pockets and showed it to her. "A certain jackass just told me I look like a priest with it, so I removed it."

"Hmm," she cupped her chin as she stood her full height, "I disagree. You look more handsome when wearing it," she casually said with a blank look. "But it's your decision."

Y/n, caught off-guard by the sudden comment, stuttered and blushed, "Wha- O-Uh-Thanks?"

She simply nodded and headed for the room's exit. Although, before she did, it was weird how she seemed to glance to his left past him.

While Y/n was still frozen up from the sudden compliment he received, he heard a snicker from behind. Whipping his head toward the direction of the sound, he was met by the sight of Mizuki grinning at him ear to ear. Whenever she had that look on her face, he knew she was up to no good.

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