Chapter 7

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The room was quiet, and there was tension in the air. Y/n remained in his position with a bated breath. Everything happened so fast, so suddenly, that his mind couldn't-or rather, wouldn't let him-process what occurred.

All of them had been fine a mere moment ago. Panicking, yes, but they were fine. They were preparing for something that had no guarantee of happening. For all Y/n knew, what he saw on the recording could have been an actual coincidence.

Yet, all it took was a split second of vulnerability, and something struck Jack from within the darkness. And, at that moment, everything Y/n had presumed immediately became a reality. It seemed like what had happened hadn't registered to the brunette just yet, who was frozen in place as stunned as he and Mizuki were.

"Jack..?" Mizuki finally broke the silence, voice shaking as she stared at their friend.

Y/n continued to focus on the ragged, sharp piece of metal sticking through Jack's shirt, which had begun to turn from a dark shade of blue to purple.




Y/N remained still, unable to take his gaze away from the metal that pierced Jack's abdomen.

Who's screaming..? He wondered. Is it Mizuki?

It probably was, but he wasn't sure. Neither did he care about knowing if he was correct right now. Everything around him sounded like he was hearing it from underwater; it was so muffled.

However, the sound of Jack's blood slowly streaming could not have been clearer to him. Y/n had heard plenty of noise before, but none could compare to the echoes that resonated through his skull as the red liquid trickled onto the floor.




When he eventually realized what had happened, he could feel his heart begin to pound relentlessly inside his chest. He questioned, his attention now fixed on the puddle of blood in front of him, How did I not see it? What attacked him?

"-/n! . . . he. . . u. . ."

If he couldn't see it, then how was he supposed to help themselves? His breathing became irregular, and his sense of helplessness grew more by the moment.

Meanwhile, while Y/n was in his own world, Mizuki helped Jack sit against the wall. Just as his legs gave away, she was quick enough to catch him before he could fall and potentially worsen his injury.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Jack," Mizuki's clothes had gotten stained by Jack's blood, but she didn't care. She had a hand on Jack's left shoulder as she crouched down next to him, the other shakily hovering with her flashlight just above the metal that pierced him. "Holy shit, what are we gonna do?! I'm so, so, so, sorry- This is all my fault! If-If only-"

Mizuki should've listened to them. If only she agreed to turn around the moment the two said it was a bad idea to go in, then they would have avoided this situation. But because of her stubbornness, Jack was suffering, all because she thought ghost hunting was a great idea.

Jack took a few shallow breaths, trying to calm himself down, and Mizuki by extension, "Just... relax for a... second," he managed to say in between huffs.

"H-How can I relax?!" Mizuki felt her eyes being prickled by tears, but she didn't hold them back, "You're fucking d-dying right in front of me right now!" saying that left such a bad taste in her mouth.

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