"What!? See I told you that there are wild animals here!"
Jisung hid himself a bit behind Seungmin.

"Shh! Not that just..."

Everything went quiet again, jisung slowly got back into his previous position. Trying his best to hear it too.

Out of the blue, Jisung heard a voice he would recognize everywhere. His eyes widened when he heard his name being called.


Was heard from a distance, the brunette quickly stood up ignoring the pain in his knee, trying to find the person.


He yelled at the top of his lungs, he saw two figures running towards them.

Jisung tried walking, but Seungmin quickly stopped him, since he was still injured.
Seungmin sighed in relief when he saw the two almost in front of them.

Jisung took a few steps, when he was engulfed in a tight hug. Minho was hugging him like he was going to disappear if he let him go.
Jisung had a huge smile on his lips, his head resting on Minho's shoulder.

Jisung saw in the corner of his eye that Seungmin got literally takeld into a hug by Hyunjin.

The two pulled away Minho looked at him up and down checking if he had any injuries. When he saw his knee Minhos eyes widened.

"Oh my God! Are you okay? What happened to your knee?"
Said Minho with a worried expression on his face.

"I'm okay... I was just clumsy and fell, its nothing serious, just bleeding." Said Jisung smiling.

"Uhm... Hyunjin I cannot breathe."

Jisung and Minho both turned around, Hyunjin and Seungmin still hugging on the floor. Jisung and Minho laughed when Hyunjin pulled away with a red face. The two finally sat up.

He said, scratching his neck nervously while looking everywhere but the guy he was just killing with his hug a second ago.

Seungmin looked at him with a wide smile, his eyes shining with adoration.
Hyunjin was startled when he suddenly felt two arms wrap around his neck.

"I'm so glad you guys found us..."

Said Seungmin quietly, hiding his head in Hyunjin's chest. Hyunjin's face got even redder, and he was a bit scared that the boy in his arms was able to hear his racing heartbeat.

After the two separated, the rest of the group quickly found them.
Felix hugged his two best friends almost crying, while Seungmin was teasing Felix.

"I'm so relieved that you two are okay..."
Said Ms.Baek, with a sigh.

"Although I'll take a look at Jisungs knee when we get back to the camp, Okay?"
Jisung nodded at his teacher's question.

After a while of hugging, and everyone calming down, Ms.Baek decided that they should head back to the camp.

Minho however was not happy at all that Jisung should just walk back.
He quickly kneeled in front of Jisung his back facing him.
Jisung gave him a confused look.

"Uh... Hyung what are you doing?"

"I'm definitely not letting you walk all the way back with a bleeding knee. So I'll carry you."

"I'm oka-"

"Nope. Get on."

Jisung sighed in defeat and carefully got on the older's back. He felt Minho's hands hesitantly touching his thighs.
Jisung grinned, 'he wanted me on his back, and now he's a scaredy-cat?'

"It's okay."

Said Jisung quietly, his grin grew when he saw Minho's slightly red ears, who nodded at his words.
Then he felt two hands, firmly holding his thighs.

The way back to the camp felt somehow longer than when they walked up.
Jisung had it comfortable on Minho's back, he had asked the raven-haired at least a million times if he would like a break. But of course, he refused.

When they finally arrived they saw Mr.Park, his tie was untied and his hair was messy. Jisung couldn't help but laugh a little, Minho looked at him a small smile on his lips as he mounted 'What's so funny?'.

"He still looks like some jungle explorer, but like one that didn't have a good time." He whispered, Minho cracking a smile.

Mr.Park apologized so many times to Seungmin and Jisung that they both lost count. But both of course assured him that everything was alright now.

Then a girl approached the six friends, she held her head low. She looked at the ground, ashamed.

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