Meet The Ishaan Shekhawat

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This was it. The moment he had waited two years for.

Twenty-two-year old Ishaan Shekhawat ran a hand over his worry lines as he walked towards his manager's office.

Twenty-two-year old Ishaan Shekhawat ran a hand over his worry lines as he walked towards his manager's office

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Sweat dampened his face -he quickly wiped it off. As Sweating was the last thing he needed during a promotion meeting.

"Nice watch" Virat fell into step with Ishaan, in a black blazer and Diesel jeans with a smirk pasted on his handsome face.

Ishaan flashed a tight smile "thanks"

Like Ishaan, Virat worked as a design associate at B. interiors. But a twist Virat bypassed straight into mid role as a privileged of being grandson of Mr. Burke himself. And the apple of their boss eyes but his blatant disregard for the rules infuriated ISHAAN.

Ishaan wouldn't mind if Virat had worked hard. He had talent, but he treated his job like it was a-hobby he could pick up whenever boredom hit.

They reached their  supervisors office. Ishaan knocked and held his breath, both out of nerves and in an attempt not to inhale Virat's overwhelming cologne.  The boy smelled Abercrombie and Fitch store on steroids.

"Come in"

Ishaan opened the door, and Neil (Mr. Burke right hand man) gestured two brass framed ivory leather chairs across the desk from him. "Take a seat."

Ishaan's sweat intensified.

"First I want to thank both of you for how hard worked on the project. It was a tough one, but we all had to pull long hours to complete it on time. But I'm pleased to say Z Hotels is thrilled with the outcome." Neil beamed.

Virat and Ishaan smiled back. Ishaan eyes twinkled with pride. He put a ton of time, sweat and creative energy into it. Redesigning an entire hotel including 244 rooms and dozens of public spaces- in ten months was no cakewalk.

"However we all know why we're here." Neil eyes turned serious behind his rose gold framed glasses.

"Last year I mentioned one of will be promoted to senior associate pending exemplary performance on the Z hotels project. Even though senior associates usually have at least eight years of experience, Mr Burke and I agreed you're both talented enough to take on increased responsibilities, we'd much rather promote internally than hire externally. This was your test"

Ishan resisted the urge to grip his watch. Instead he calmed down his chairs armrests until his knuckles turned white.

Meanwhile Virat slouched in his chair, dripping confidence.

"You both did an excellent job and impressed with us your diligence, creativity and commitment. I wish we could promote both of you, but we're are a small firm and we don't have the capability right now."

Ishan appreciated the praise but he is going to pass out if Mr. Neil didn't get to point soon.

"I want to congratulate—"

This is was it. Ishaan was finally going to get what he'd been working so hard these past years. He was going be—

"VIRAT YOURE THE NEWEST SENIOR DESIGN ASSOCIATE AT B.INDUSTRIES" Neil adjusted his glass sounding unenthused.

Ice water replaced the blood in Ishaan's veins. He must've heard wrong.

There was no way Virat —who couldn't keep the tracks forget track records even the names of vendors straight and who called blueprints a "headache" —got promoted over ISHAAAN.

No freaking way.

"Wow. Thank you so much" Virat grinned, not appearing at all surprised by the news. " this is such an honour."

Neil smiled tersely. "It was yours grandfather decision, VIRAT can you give me and Ishaan some privacy. I need to speak him alone."

"Of course" Virat patted Ishaan's shoulder on the way out. "Better luck next time"

Ishaan flip flopped between the urge to throw up and the desire to clock Virat in the face.

No you're not a violent person. Take a deep breath. One two three. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh.

Neil examined Ishaan with a worried frown "how are you feeling?"

'How do you think I'm feeling.' Ishaan bit back caustic reply and forced a smile instead. "I'm fine. I'm happy for Virat."

Neil sighed. "Ishaaan, you and I both know you're supremely talented. That's why we promoted you to a mid role so quickly after you joined the firm. You did flawless work on the project. Just flawless. He took his ands in his.

"Please do not take this as a negative reflection of your work Ishaan. You're valued member of the team"

"But not valued enough to receive the promotion"

Neil looked away. "The final decision wasn't mine to make"

"I know it was of whom." Neil didn't confirm but the look on his face said it all. Ishaan didn't think he was entitled to a promotion, but dammit he'd earned it.

"There will be another opportunity in two years. Be patient. Your time will come child I promise."

Maybe that was true but Ishaan knew he'd would never win in a race where nepotism ruled. He closed his eyes and only one thing rang his ears, his saviour words, "teri mehnat aur umeed majbut ho na Ishu, toh no one, I repeat no one can stop you to shine. Aapne pe bharosa kar, aur Jis din you did that. You win the half of the race."


A/N This is my first story on this platform. Please vote and comment and share your reviews. Hope the first chapter wasn't a boring one?

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