(13) Timeskip Drama

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Launi POV:

A/N-I got lazy to make another book for a different part of her life and got too lazy to make their reactions and just say they were surprised but accepting of her new papa.

(TW: Cheating, Gold Digger mentions, and not really sexual scenes) 

Also Timeskip, new character/voice/ in the form of either E, E, or E Named [REDACTED]

A few years later, October 3rd of 2019, Im now 15, freshman at Crestwood High School, almost summer break, No uniforms. Im in a very bad relationship with my second soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend, my first and manipulator gf i never even looked in their direction, Wendy Newman, despite being a school rule dick rider, cheated on me for someone who's a little bitch baby, principal dick rider, whatever suck up, gen z slang in the dictionary, he was probably someone who's an easy target for manipulation. Since then, another girl i never new existed again named Britany Woods has been trying to ask me out recently despite my c o n s t a n t rejections for her, my friends say to just date already and that we'd be the cutest couple in the whole school. 

The whole school  minus Mira and [REDACTED] is pressuring me to be in a relationship with her Barbie doll, crocodile, frog sounding, crackerjack, bitch ass personality. She has the density of fucking osmium aka the densest material on Earth, she's THAT dense. Persistence as strong as your average anime protags *coughs aggressively* I z u k u  M i d o r i y a *coughs aggressively again*. Also SHE BARELY HAS A PERSONALITY! If watching paint dry mixed with those annoying ass Hot Cheeto Gossip Girls™, she's be their secret love child.

She's one of the few people that was in my elementary and middle school so she knows that I'm a mafia leader and is making me pay her money to keep quiet, i don't really care if she exposes me as a very dangerous mafia leader~. 

I honestly could care less  but I just don't want anymore  unwanted attention because i already have some of that at the moment in the form of many girls/guys wanting and waiting in a line to date me when i have no interest in any of them except one, Zoe Peterson. Hot and cute at the same time, looks directly out of an anime, Mendalian 16 year old freshman, nicest and kindest person in this whole school who hasn't pressured me into being in this situation.

 In fact, we've been hanging out for a while I'd say around 4-5 months now? and I've had to be in this torturing relationship since the second month of school so 8 1/2 months. 8 1/2 months I've wasted as much money on her as an anime otaku or collectors spending money on things they'll either have as ACTUAL COLLECTIBLES or the other for weirdo otakus/collectors, pleasure toys. I've wasted so much money that could've been used to get me a new phone and smartwatch and some clothes along with some food. But N o O o O ~ SHE HAS TO USE THEM FOR 'important stuff.'   YEAH THAT'S NOT WHAT MY CARD STATEMENTS SAY BITCH! She spends money on the most useless shit she gets tired of in 5 minutes but I'm not gonna list all of them because if i do, it's gonna take a long time to the point where she spends around more than around a Decillion Credits which is 5 Quintillion USD. (reminder that 2 Credits is 1 USD due to it being doubled)

 All i can think about is the song Dinero by Trinidad Cardona whenever I'm even 2 miles from the bitch. That's how bad it is (amazing song btw, listening to it as I'm writing this chapter :]As i make it to the classroom, i hear moaning from an empty classroom. I fished something out of my pocket to find my little mosquito drone i made a day and a half ago and flew it into the air, and since next period is a free period, i decided to refund all of those items she doesn't even use and got all my money back.

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