01 - One - Rhory Finch Point Of View.

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"Shut up. I'm getting you out of here." I hissed and tried to grab him.

"You can't! They saved my damn life, I just have to do this and—-"

"You're manufacturing drugs for criminals!" I yelled, my anger getting the better of me, and Roan slapped his hand over my mouth now.

"Stop yelling before you get us both into more trouble. If they catch you, you're just as fucked as me." Roan hissed and slowly uncovered my mouth.

"I am not about to leave you here." I snapped and grabbed him by the arm, yanking him with me. "I refuse to just leave you here. I have done things for you, and this is how you use the skills I paid for you to have. You have got to be fucking kidding me, Roan. I am getting you out of here and we can figure this—--" I yanked open the door, and the man from before stood there "Shit." I muttered.

Roan yanked me away from the door and stepped in front of me, saying all kinds of shit about how he would not leave and he was trying to send me away and not to tell the boss, and that it was going to be settled in a moment. The guy looked like he believed as much of this crock of shit as I did.

"You. You broke the window?" he asked, his hand sitting on the weapon on his hip. My weapons and hand to hand training was far more limited than his, so there was no way to pull a fast one on this guy. The man swore, before he used the cellphone in his breast pocket to call someone.

"Roan, check him over for weapons. If we find anything on him afterwards, you'll be dead."

Roan paled, but grabbed me roughly, and started to check me over. He took my flashlight and set it aside. He unbuttoned my coat, and I let him.

"Rhory, do you have anything on you that might be considered a weapon?" Roan asked. His eyes pleaded with me to be forthcoming with information.

"No. Just house keys in my back pocket." I muttered.

He took them out of my pocket, and set them aside on one of the wooden crates, and checked all the rest of my pockets, before he took my coat off me too, and I finally noticed it was warm in here.

"You should have just stayed at work." Roan bitched.

"Right, because that's what I should do when my only kid brother is reported missing." I snapped.

"I would have shown up, eventually."

"Yeah, fucking dead Roan! You would have shown up fucking dead. Motherfucker, I can't believe you!" I yelled at him again.

"Quiet. Stop yelling." Roan groaned and looked over my shoulder at the man. "They saved my life, Rhory."

"You best start fucking explaining that, Roan. Now."

"You wouldn't understand." He muttered, stepping away from me, and turning his back, going back to working on his drugs.

"Try me! I wouldn't understand. Bullshit. Stop trying to shake off the fact that none of this was necessary. You picked this!"

Roan grabbed something off the table and threw it at me. "Enough! I don't need you here. Fuck."

The man with the gun grabbed me rudely, and my brother stopped what he was doing to get the man's attention.

"Be gentle with him. He's not a stranger. He is my older brother," he said, before he went back to work and the man dragged me off. He pulled me through the door, to the outside and into the building beside it. He tossed me onto a couch and angrily pulled a hand through his hair.

"He would have been better off if you didn't show up." The man muttered and pulled out a chair at the table, and sat down. He was keeping his eyes on me. "Do you have any identification with you?"

Remembrance [M/M]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें