Little White Flowers

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Eleanor had always been a quiet and reserved individual, the one to get paired up last for partners, the one to blend in with the shadows, who avoided attention being brought to her. Preferring to spend her time alone amongst the wild flowers in the field. Being drawn to those little white flowers in particular, it's white soft petals and it's sunny yellow center being held up by a evergreen stem. She couldn't help but gaze at the flowers in front of her, picking some up from the root to bring with her. That's how it always was every recess. It was a quiet little world of its own, separated from the loud sounds of children playing on the playground, separate from the boys who were always playing soccer in the field.

Like always when the bell rang for recess you could see and hear the sound of children running outside, some dashing to the swings, some dashing to the basketball court, some just  doing nothing but hanging out and talking. Eleanor, always being the last one out the door, walks calmly to her favorite spot where the flowers grew most consistently. Where she crouches down and just watches as the wind blows through making the flowers sway with the direction the winds blowing. Her eyes following the movements of every flower she sees, blocking out the world around her. That was until she felt a sudden pain wept through her head. The spot pounding from where... a ball hit her? Not just a ball, Dominic's soccer ball.


Dominic became the talk of Creekwood Elementary the moment he set foot on the school grounds as a 5th grader. His intelligence and talent shone brightly, capturing the attention of everyone around him. The girls couldn't help but twirl their hair and excitedly share stories with their friends, while the boys admired him from afar. Every day during recess, he would eagerly head outside to join his friends in a friendly game of soccer. His cherished soccer ball, a special gift received for his birthday, always drew the attention of his peers and brought joy to their matches as they kicked it back and forth on the field.

In an intense moment on the field, the goal was within reach, and all he needed to do was to make one perfect kick to secure the win for their team. Full of confidence, he positioned himself for the kick and, with a swift motion, sent the ball sailing towards the goal. However, to his surprise, the ball took an unexpected curve, veering off course and heading straight for quiet Eleanor. Before he could react, the ball struck her in the back of the head, eliciting an "ooooh" from his friends as they covered their faces in shock.

He felt a surge of embarrassment and guilt as he hurried over to her, filled with concerns. The last thing he wanted was to face punishment from the teachers for potentially causing harm. As he reflected on the force he had put behind the kick of the ball, he realized the impact it could have had on her. Despite his fear, his priority was ensuring her well-being and taking responsibility for his actions. Dominic approached the girl with concern evident in his voice, "Um... are you okay? I didn't mean for the ball to hit you," he said softly. Closing the distance between them, he extended his hand to pick up the ball. The girl remained silent, her gaze fixed on the white flowers surrounding her. After a brief pause, she turned her head towards Dominic, revealing a calm expression that surprised him. "You're okay?" he inquired again, noticing her apparent nonchalance. With a slow nod, she affirmed her well-being before returning her focus to the delicate blooms that seemed to captivate her attention.

Dominic, in that moment, was struck by a sense of curiosity towards the enigmatic Eleanor. There was an inexplicable aura about her that seemed to bring a sense of tranquility to him, a feeling he kept concealed, especially from his friends. The idea of his friends teasing him for being intrigued by the reserved girl nobody sought the company of kept him from acknowledging his interest in her. Brushing aside those thoughts, he turned his attention back to his friends. "I got the ball!" he exclaimed, his voice reaching them in the distance. "Okay then, come on, we still have time to play before we go back inside!" one of his friends hollered in response. Giving them a thumbs up, Dominic started jogging back towards the group, stealing one last glance at Eleanor. As he stole one final glance at her, he noticed her gazing back at him. This fleeting connection made his heart skip a beat. With a gentle smile on his lips, he waved a small wave at Eleanor before redirecting his steps towards his friends. The sight of Eleanor appearing so serene and content while admiring the flowers left Dominic curious. He couldn't help but wonder, "What was so special about those flowers?", as he made his way back to his companions.

He noticed a subtle shift happening within himself as he reflected on the pleasant and heartwarming exchange he shared with her. He noticed a subtle shift happening within himself as he reflected on the pleasant and heartwarming exchange he shared with her. He observed a gentle change taking place inside him as he dwelled on the sweet and touching interaction he had with her. It felt as though a tiny flame had been ignited somewhere within his heart, casting a subtle glow of positivity that reverberated through his emotions. He found that during the remaining time of recess, his outlook towards Eleanor had shifted. Despite not knowing much about her, he began to sense that there was a depth to her beyond her quiet demeanor and fondness for flowers. He harbored a glimmer of hope that he might be able to witness a different aspect of her personality.

Admiring her from afar, he found solace in the quiet moments stolen to simply appreciate her presence. He longed to bridge the distance that separated them, yearning for a chance to express the feelings bottled up inside. Yet, for now, he remained content with the fleeting glances and unspoken connections that constantly brought a smile to his face.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of their brief respite, he and his friends hurried to return to the confines of the school building to continue their education. However, in his haste, he almost unknowingly trampled upon a small, delicate white flower, one that held a special significance - Eleanor's little white flowers. Pausing in his tracks, he noticed the fragile bloom and carefully picked it up by its stem. Gazing at its pristine white petals and the lively yellow center, he found himself momentarily lost in reverie, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush at the connection it held to her. Clutching the flower tenderly in his hands, ensuring its safety, he rushed back to the school building, carrying with him a reminder of her presence, eagerly anticipating the chance to see her once more the next day.

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