Chapter 53

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The thick curtains blocked the inside of the cage room, and Fan Yuan was no longer inside when Gu Yang woke up.

He sat up and rubbed his drowsy head. He saw that the door of the cage room and the iron gate outside were both open, probably left by Fan Yuan on purpose for him.

Gu Yang looked at the door that was deliberately left for him, but did not go out. Instead, he sat obediently on the swing, with his legs hanging over the armrests, and began to play with his phone, swaying back and forth.

After a while, Fan Yuan came in with breakfast. Gu Yang turned his head to see that Fan Yuan had not only brought breakfast but also a pile of exercise books.

Fan Yuan put everything on the small table inside the cage and walked over to help Gu Yang tidy up his messy hair.

Gu Yang enjoyed it very much and lifted his face, letting Fan Yuan straighten his hair for him.

Seeing Gu Yang’s smug look, Fan Yuan lifted his hand and pinched Gu Yang’s cheek hard.

Gu Yang howled in pain and was pushed off the swing by Fan Yuan.

“Go wash up, come back and eat after you’re done.”

Gu Yang could only walk out with his aching cheek, muttering to himself, “I’ve been so honest and stayed inside. Can’t you give me some praise for not running away after you opened the door?”

Fan Yuan seemed to have not heard him and picked up the blanket that fell from the swing and put it away. After Gu Yang left, he turned his head and slightly curled his lips.

Gu Yang quickly returned after washing up, eating breakfast with Fan Yuan and rubbing against him.

When dawn came, Fan Yuan turned back into his thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance. The necklace and ring on his hand were already too big and kept slipping down. He had to reach up to adjust them from time to time.

Gu Yang grabbed Fan Yuan’s hand, took off the necklace and ring on his hand, and put the ring on his finger.

“What are you doing?”

Gu Yang slowly straightened Fan Yuan’s fingers, took off the ring, and hung it together with the small orchid pendant on his own neck.

“Leave it with me for now, I’ll give it back to you when you completely recover.”

Fan Yuan glanced at Gu Yang’s small blue orchid pendant and chain hanging from his neck, then withdrew his hand without saying a word.

When he went to wash up in the morning, Gu Yang changed his skirt again.

He found that he couldn’t stand wearing the same skirt for two days in a row, which seemed to be influenced by “Snow White.”

After breakfast, Fan Yuan pointed to the exercise book on the table, the meaning was self-evident.

Gu Yang sat down with a bitter face, suddenly thought of something, and stood up to run outside.

Fan Yuan watched Gu Yang rush out of the open cage and leave the cage room, squinting his eyes.

However, Gu Yang came back in just ten minutes, holding a bunch of snacks and fruits in his arms and throwing them near the table.

“Let’s eat while doing the questions?”

Gu Yang was very happy and opened several bags of snacks and placed them on the table.

He placed one bag, Fan Yuan took away one bag, and in the end, the table was still empty, except for a pile of exercise books.

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