Chapter 14.1 - The Clover Chronicles: Jimmy Z

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Note #1: I had this idea and thought it would be nice to write some silly little side stories with Clover and her interactions with the others! I'm really interested into how she spends time with them, exploring their dynamic, and diving deeper into her personality.

Clover enters the cockpit of the Tortuga to see Jimmy flying the Tortuga.

"Hey, J.Z. You doing anything?" Clover places her arms above his chair to rest her chin.

"Just flying to our next destination."

"And that is?"

"Wherever Chris and Martin wanna land," he shrugs.

Clover looks outside. All there is to see is the faint sight of the ocean covered by a thin layer of clouds.

"Well, if you wanna tell me, where would you like to land?"

"Huh. Good question. Any place where I can get some Z's is always fine with me," Jimmy yawns.

"Hm, true, but that's no fun. Oh! What was that game you and Aster were playing?"

"Just a fighting game. Why?"

"Wanna play against me?"

"Hmm. I guess winning against two out of three Hallows siblings is a flex."

"So it's gonna be like that, huh?" Clover narrows her eyes at the taunting redhead. "Pull over, Jimmy!" She leans over to the side and points to a random area of water.

Jimmy transforms the Tortuga into its water-landing mode and runs to the monitor to boot up the game with Clover following him.

"You know how to play?"

"Of course I know how to play. I won countless games with my siblings all the time," she grabs a spare controller.

"You're using that controller?"

"As if you'll let me use yours."

"Got me there," Jimmy and Clover sit down in chairs and pick out their characters.

They wait for the countdown to reach zero. The game commences. Jimmy gets the first hit. Clover glares at the screen with determination. Punch after punch, the lead keeps narrowing. Jimmy eventually knocked Clover's character out first.

Jimmy: 5
Clover: 4

"What?!" It happened right before Clover's eyes. She aggressively presses buttons and evens out the score.

Jimmy: 4
Clover: 4

"You had no strategy, didn't you?"

"Winning is always my strategy no matter what it takes," Clover confidently says.

She continues button mashing, but Jimmy is one step ahead of her.

Jimmy: 4
Clover: 3

"You were saying?"

Clover rolls her eyes. Aviva and Koki eventually walk in hearing the noise from the game.

"What's going on in here?" Koki looks at the two then notices the game onscreen.

"I'm winning. Watch this," Clover launches Jimmy off the map before he can recover.

Jimmy: 3
Clover: 3

"Is this that game you and Aster were playing, Jimmy?" Aviva walks beside Jimmy.

"Uh huh," Jimmy blankly answers, more focused on the game.

"You can respond better than—!"

Jimmy: 3
Clover: 2


"You're almost there, Clover!" Aviva encourages her.

"You can do this!" Koki joins Aviva on cheering Clover.

"Hey! That's not fair! You were just on my side. Now who's gonna cheer me on?"

"We are!" Chris and Martin pop up from behind Jimmy's seat making him fumble his controller for a second and scream. Clover seizes the opportunity to even put the score.

Jimmy: 2
Clover: 2

"Yeah!" Aviva .

"Thanks for the encouragement, boys," Clover smirks and brings her focus back to the game.

"Oops. Sorry..." Martin apologizes to Jimmy.

Clover's in the lead again. She gets into an intense state of focus. She blocks out the noise from her friends and analyzes Jimmy's character's movements. With just the right timing...

Jimmy: 1
Clover: 2

"You're almost there!" Aviva repeats.

Jimmy almost gets Clover down to one more life. She notices his character's movements get a bit more frantic. Almost like how she was playing in the beginning. She gets an idea. Her and Jimmy's personalities from the start to the end of the game have switched. The more focused she is, the more confident she becomes, but she can't become overconfident.

Jimmy is determined to win. He almost reduced a life from Clover, however, she was one step ahead. She fills her gauge and unleashes her character's special move.

Jimmy: 0
Clover: 2


Clover jumps in the air and cheers on her win. Aviva and Koki celebrate her victory. Jimmy has been defeated.

"Looks like there's a new video game champion!" Martin effortlessly lifts Clover on his shoulders.

"Clover! Clover! Clover! Clover!" The rest of the Wild Kratts chant her name, leaving Jimmy by himself.

"Aw, come on guys. That was just pure luck," Clover gets down from Martin and squeezes Jimmy's shoulder. "We all know Jimmy's the best gamer around here," she hands him his prized controller.

He smiles at Clover and cuddles his prized possession.

"I only played video games if anyone asked me to. I never really had time to get into it alone, but maybe that was for the best. Imagine if I was more interested in video games than botany? I'd probably still be home. Or maybe a gaming tournament?" Clover jokes.

"I think it would suit you. But then again, I'm glad I can be the one to keep my precious controller," he gently presses it against his face and gives it a kiss.

"That is if you're willing to raise the stakes," Clover grins once again.

"Is this a rematch I hear?"

"The one and only," she picks up her controller and returns to the lobby. "You ready?"

"You're on!"

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