Facing You

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The next morning I wake up and was instantly hit with a huge headache making me hiss in pain "shit" I say sitting up from my bed letting the little bit of sun light hit on my bed from my blinds. I tried to remember what happened last night and it only made the headache worse which made me forget about it and get up to get ready to go to the studio to chill with some of my idol friends as I watch them record. I put on sweat pants and a t shirt letting my hair down with converses. I texted my driver and when he arrived a few hours later and I got into the van. As I entered I sighed and said Good morning to my driver. While the drive was silent I really wanted to remember what happened last night so I closed my eyes and thought of hoping I remembered and then suddenly something hit me, it was realization as I remembered Bada was with me last night after we both hanged out then everything came back to me then my eyes went wide.

"Did we almost fuck. Shit." I mumbled covering my mouth

"Is something the matter miss Y/n" My driver says seeing my shocked face through the mirror

"Oh yes yes sorry I'm fine I just remembered a funny meme" I lied turning my head to the look out the window. I was silent the whole time nervous as hell to run into Bada I couldn't run into her again it would be embarrassing what if I forced her what if. Nothing but what ifs came through my mind the whole car ride. As I walked in the building I gave the guards my pass and I was quick to run to the studio to meet my friends when I entered I see Sarah with my friends Lisa,Jennie, Somi, and our producer teddy.

"Heyy Y/n its been a while" Somi says hugging me like a baby as she is the youngest out of all of us

"Hey Somi" I say hugging back before sitting down on the sofa

"Y/n congrats on your comeback it was a crazy hit" Jennie says closing her phone and putting it on her lap

"Thank you I almost didn't release it" I admitted remembering those times

"Why how come?" She says shocked that I almost didn't produce it. At first I was gonna avoid the question knowing it was gonna lead to talking about Bada but I said fuck it to myself and started to speak

"I almost didn't release it because I couldn't find a dance and to be able to do a dance you need a choreographer and I didn't have neither and if I didn't performed with a dance nobodies gonna wanna listen to the song nor performance but thanks to Bada she took the part as my choreographer and now friend" I say sipping on the water teddy gave to me a few seconds ago

"As in the Bada lee?!? Girl you got it big" Jennie says and Lisa nods in agreement

"Jennie's right she was my back up dancer in lili film movie" Lisa comments making me realize that I never seen Bada the amount of times I watched that video

"Yeah I didn't even know who she was till Sarah was shocked seeing her in the dance studio" I say giggling remembering Sarahs face

"Y/N you should invite her and thank her for being a great choreographer I don't think that hangout was enough " Jennie suggest clapping her hand together in excitement also bringing up the hangout from yesterday as she explained what she seen on the news

"Oh I don't know she can be busy" I declined but that wasn't my reason the real reason because I couldn't face Bada after remembering last night. As the hangout went on I couldn't stop thinking about Bada only the word Bada repeats in my head so I picked up my phone to text her unable to explain the reason why I had the rush of adrenaline.

Hey Bada you here at the company? [10:58am]

I sent the text message and tried to focus on my friends convo hoping I can take my thoughts off of Bada for one second but that plan crashed down when I received a message back

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