The Stage

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After the whole day of working on the dance me and Bada cheer as we finally get done with the dance knowing this it has my heart more at ease knowing I can calm down at finding a choreographer . I grabbed my water and drunk the last bit of it and gathered my thing's

"Were making our leave now Bada thank you so much for helping and being my choreographer" I say going up to her to hug her, she wraps her arm around my head and I wrap my arm under her arm's due to the major height difference. I couldn't help but to want to stay attached to her more even despite she danced so much and became drenched in sweat she smelt amazing.

"I'm glad to be your choreographer seriously keep practicing okay I'll be there for your stage performance" She says and break's the hug and I smiled looking up at her

"I will can't wait to see you there" I say at the studio door and looked at her one time before leaving, As me and Sarah walked outside the company I couldn't help but smile remembering Bada insane charm in person

"Is Bada that good looking to you?" Sarah asked catching me smiling for absolutely no reason of course I couldn't admit it straight to her she would think im going insane for a tall women that can dance

"I don't know what you're talking about" I say but Sarah crossed her arm's completely accepting that I think she's dumb

"Y/n I saw how you stared her down this morning anyone can read eye's like yours if they are mature enough" Sarah says making me turn around and roll my eye's playfully admitting my defeat quicker then expected

"Fine I did find Bada attractive when she danced feeling better now?" I asked putting my stuff in the van and sitting in the van keeping the door open to still see Sarah.

"Right very happy I'm just worried what if she end's up like your last choreographer" Sarah asked worriedly but I only sighed and gave her a faint smile

"She's not like that sure we met her today but she doesn't seem the one to push it I promise if she does you're the first one I'm running to" I say waving my hands at Sarah before closing my van door. As I droved off I sighed and engaged small talk with my driver.


Few days have passed and finally it's D-day the day I release my album and perform my stage, I couldn't help but feel too excited for my stage not to just perform but to see Bada watch me perform It felt like it would be exciting seeing her eye's watch me, thinking of that thought had me stumble on my word's as im sitting in front of a bunch of camera's with a tan skirt followed with a tan crop top with my h/c short hair down.

"And I hope everyone enjoys my comeback song's followed by my performance later thank you guy's love youuu" I say putting up heart's with my arm's as the live ends. I sighed and bowed to the staff before leaving to my dressing room. As I opened the door my eye's grew wide as I see Bada is in the room holding up flower's

"Surprise!" She say's coming up to me to engage a hug and of course I hugged back as I were very happy to see her here.

"I'm so happy you're here I thought you were going to come till my stage performance" I say still in her embrace wanting to keep my face digged in her chest

"I was but I missed you so much I had to come to see you" She say's pulling out the hug, hearing her it caused me to blush at her word's and stumble on my sentences

"I-I-I'm glad you came early I missed you too seriously" I say looking up at her with a smile on my face and bright red hinting my cheek's. Me and Bada decided to go to the stage building together since she took a taxi here and I couldn't stop myself from glancing and every time I glanced Bada caught me and I quickly kept looking away clearly shy

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