"We're saving lives." He quipped as he jumped over the tall fence.

"We're also breaking and entering." I followed his lead, expecting to hit the ground but instead was caught by two strong arms. I smiled at him. "You're so sweet." 

"Keep it moving, sweetheart." He smacked my ass, walking off in the same direction Sam had gone. 

I rolled my eyes, smiling a little. 

We eventually reached the window, which Sam picked the lock of. 

"Ladies first." Dean gestured to the window.

I gave him a look before slipping through the window, leaving him on the fire escape. 


"Find anything?" Sam asked as he tried to break into the man's computer. 

"Well, Frank liked his catalog shopping. That's about all I got. You?" Dean replied, walking into the office. 

I dropped down into the chair in the living room, watching the two. 

"Not much here." Sam shrugged. "Except he's got this one locked file on his computer that...Hold on."

I stood, walking into the next room and stopped next to Dean. I snatched a magazine from the stack he held. I flipped through the pages. 

"Not anymore." Sam smiled as he hacked into the file. "God."

"What?" Dean dropped the catalogs back onto the desk. 

"Uh, he has all these e-mails. Dosens." Sam replied. 

I placed the magazine down. "That's unusual?" 

"To this lady named Jenifer." Sam continued. He clicked on one of the e-mails. "This lady who's 13 years old." 

"Aw, I don't wanna hear this." Dean says.

"Sam, get out of there." I gestured to the opened e-mails. Suddenly I was 15 again and backed into a corner by a creepy guy in a bookstore. It took months to get rid of him. Months and lots of really bad situations I had to live through. Luckily nothing ever happened. Nothing that bad. Luckily I had enough sense to drag my brother or my dad or Dean around with me after that. 

"Looks like they met in a chat room." Sam clicked through another. "These e-mails are pretty personal, Dean. Look at that. Setting up a time and place to meet."

"Great." Dean muttered. 

"They were supposed to meet today." 

"Hmm. I guess if you're gonna stab someone, good timing." Dean says. "I don't know, man, this is weird, you know. I mean, sure, some spirits are out for vengeance, but this one's almost like a do-gooder. Like a--"

"Avenging angel?" Sam suggested. 

Dean rolled his eyes, turning to the table on the other wall. 

"Something's at work here. Something that knows stuff no one else could. Who knows what would've happened to that girl if this guy wasn't killed." I say. 

"How else do you explain it, Dean?" Sam asked. "Three guys, not connected to each other, all stabbed through the heart? At least two were world class pervs. I bet if you dug deep enough on the other guy--"

"Hey." Dean picked up a paper and turned toward us. 


"You said Carl Gulley was a churchgoer, right?" Dean asked. 


"What was the name of his church?"

"Uh....Our Lady of the Angels?" Sam says. 

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