The nightmare begans pt1

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( pic of Alex)

~Adrian POV~
I couldn't believe what I just heard my so call father just say! Was he really thinking of making us join a pack?

With the face that I was likely making, they probably could tell I was not pleased with the idea.
" Son please do understand that I'm doing this for both the family's not to mention your safety. The pack we're Jo-"

" WHAT YOU'VE ALREADY FOUND ONE?!" I interrupted. I was now with my parent in my room as Rougi and Sebastian had left a while ago.

"Yes I have and they were very nice to let us join them. We're joining the white knight pack." Oh Great! Out of all the pack they knew, he chooses the alphas of all alpha packs.

Looking at mom a asked a serious question," mom tell me do they know about you..." she looked at me for a moment, before responding." Yes sweaty, they do know that I was apart of that clan. Ok! Come now love, think of the bright side to this idea. I mean it's a good was for your sister Raysha to find her mate and for you guys to make new friends." She said trying to be cheerful, which did not work.

My mind was to stuck on all the bad things that may happen.
One.) they find out I'm a white wolf,
Two.) the guys there may try to claim me.

The thought of being claimed put a toll on me, and had me panicking even more than I was." Son please calm down your already in heat. you don't need any more stress right now." My father said. ' Is he for real right now!' I thought to myself.
" Your right dad," I said in a fake smile, which made him smile and me frown. " I don't need any more stress, but since we're join a pack. MY STRESS LEAVE HAS WENT BEYOND IT'S POINT AND ON TO ANOTHER PLANET!" I snapped.


" I am not wearing that! No way!" I protested. " It stinks and smell far to much like him." I said pointing to Alex who had a smug look on his face.

" That's the hole point, short stacks." Was his reply. ' Oh hell no! Did he just call us short stacks?' My inner wolf asked. ' yes he did' was my only reply. for some weird reason my wolf seemed like she doesn't like Alex, and I didn't know why...

" Look, all you need to do is wear the shirt until we get to the hotel on the edge of town and out of harms way. Ok?" Rougi explained with a motiving smile.

I sighed in defeat, while putting on the smelly shirt that was twice my size. My mom walked up to me and stopped a few feet away from me to sniff the air. When she was pleased with the outcome, she turned to the other to say it worked.

As me, my mom, Rougi, and Seb got into the car, I noticed that two certain people where not around. "Where are Jack and Raysha at?" I asked to no one in particular.

" They're cleaning up a little mess... That was made." Sebastian said while driving the SUV. Looking at Rougi next to me in the back said it wasn't that "little" of a mess.

" A LITTLE?!" She said in shock, " I wouldn't call splattered rouge blood on the floor and lockers, just 'a little' to clean." Wow talk about an over kill. And Sebastian just shrugs it off!
" Well considering most of my other kills in my time, I would say that that was my most cleanest. You should know Rougi, that you've changed me a lot." He said looking at Rougi with a smirk which make her blush. I feel like I'm in an old romance movie.

It's been about an hour since we've left the house and I was just getting out the car to go into the hotel, when I felt a sharp pain go through my legs, leaving me in an awkward position. Why the hell do my feet hurt so much. " Honey what's wro- ohh, it seems the cramps have kicked in." My mom said, WHAT CRAMPS! You have got to be kidding me! I get cramps while I'm in heat. Oh my god I'm turning into a woman.
' your not turning into a woman, and I'm sorry you're going through this with me' my wolf said, ' why are you apologizing, I mean it's not your fault. Well maybe a little, but not all ' I told my wolf, cuz she felt bad.

"Here have some chocolate, it'll help with the cramps." My mom said handing me a Hershey bar. Well at least there's an upside to being in heat now. I took the chocolate bar and started to unwrap it, while trying to walk straight.

By the time I got into our room I was beat. " Honey you should go take a bath, to help you relax." Mom told me. "Sure I need one anyways after wear that shirt." I said with a shiver going down my spine.

As I entered the restroom, saw some scented candles on the counter and decided to light some. It was nice being in the bath relaxing after the wake up call I had. So we're really joining a pack huh... The thought just made me feel more worse than I already do. I mean with me now going in heat it's going to be one hell of a task to keep my wolf hidden. While we were driving my mom told me that I'll be going into heat every month at random times for 4-5 days. Which adds more to my problems.

I got out of the bath feeling a lil better, and saw Rougi and Seb watching TV. I was to tired to watch with then so I just went to bed telling them goodnight. And just when I was about to fall asleep... The howling began again. That when I remember I bought something to help me with that which was some sleeping pills. To lazy to read the instructions, I put some pills in my hand and swallowed them down.

After an hour or two of being awake , the pills were finally working, and as the howling slowly diminished and my eyes slowly getting heavy. I was finally going to fall asleep with the moon being the last thing I saw...

That's until you're woken up by howling again!!! and a man in your bed?!

( hey guys I hope you like the new chapter of my story and I know it took a while but I hope you could forgive me😊. So please
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