Teen Romance

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What the hell was I doing?

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What the hell was I doing?

I debated turning back as soon as I rang the doorbell.

Seriously, I barely knew the girl and here I was, at her house, trying to talk to her.

I immediately regretted my decision as I sighed and anxiously bounced on my feet, waiting for the door to open. When it did, I was left speechless at the sight of Chief Swan appearing behind it.

I gasped lightly, not knowing what to say. My cheeks became warm and suddenly his feet were much more interesting than his face. I held onto my purse desperately with both hands, the words had simply disappeared from my brain.

I wasn't looking at him, but by the tone of his voice, he sounded very confused, almost concerned.

"Hello, can I help you?" he asked, carefully.

"No. I mean- yes! sorry. I don't mean to bother you. I was just wondering if Bella was home?"

My panic slowly subsided, and as I looked up at his face I could see his raised eyebrow go down while his face relaxed.

"Oh. Bella... she's out with a friend at the moment. Should I tell her you were looking for her once she comes back?"

Great .

"Ah! No, no, please. Do not worry. I'll... I'll just give her a call... later." I forced an awkward smile, trying once again to hide my embarrassment, but also my slight disappointment.

I'd built up all this courage for nothing.

"Okay." he simply replied.

"Okay, sorry, goodbye, sir." I blurted out while frantically waving my hand at him.

My smile of courtesy trembled a bit as I started to make my way down the porch, that's when a pick-up truck pulled up on the driveway.

Isabella Swan jumped out of it while staring at me, her gaze not leaving my form as she walked towards me with her hands in the back pockets of her blue jeans.

An awkward smile emerged on her face, "Uhm... hi, Sera. What are you doing here?"

She asked me, confused.

I forced another smile as I skipped closer to her, her father was still at the door, looking at us, and I felt uncomfortable.

"Hi, Bella." I sighed, "I wanted to apologize."

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