Neon Roller Rink

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Pushing past the concession stands, navigating the crowds like she knew the place, Kohane guided her date through one of her favorite hang-outs she discovered with Minori one day. At the desk, while waiting for a shoe storage locker to become available because "I'll be damned if some random asshole gets hold of these hundred dollar shoes," the couple ordered their skates.

"You have tiny feet!" Akito gasped.

"And so do you!" Kohane replied. Neither of them had time to think about what was said before they'd already said it. "Ah, s-sorry, Shinonome-kun..."

"No, no, I'm sorry for commenting on something like that anyways." The locker became available and Akito closely monitored the poor man tasked with putting his precious shoes away. Kohane giggled quietly. A similar chord progression to one of the songs he and Toya sang that night came up and he paused. Kohane hummed to herself. She picked it up too, despite the ratchet the rest of the instruments made.

"You know," Kohane said as she tied up her blades, "An-chan and I were singing right outside the live house that night, too."

"Nah, really?"

"Uh-huh. Just down the street. I cut it off before you went on, though; I didn't want to take away too many of your listeners~" she giggled and straightened to him. His face suddenly looked darker. Suddenly, those small mentions in the crowd of the Vivids grew larger in his mind, larger than the compliments and excitement over BAD DOGS. "! --I'm just kidding, Shinonome-kun... I, -uh, really wanted to see you perform, and not just for research." His eyes refocused on her. "And... I'm really glad I did, too." She forced her feelings out of her mouth. "I admire you even more than before, seeing you perform. Thanks, for a fun time♡!"

Severe malfunction in Akito's brain. Polite mode: activated. "Aw, that's nothing, Azusawa. I'm happy you enjoyed us."

Kohane could feel him hold back the 'we look forward to your support of BAD DOGS in the future' from his statement. She blinked in surprise. He reddened from her just looking at him with blank eyes and leaned down to check his skates again.

"W-what else am I supposed to say?" Women. Ugh.

"Pfft. I don't know, something more like the Shinonome-kun I know, like," she put on a gruff voice, "'you ain't seen nothing yet,' or 'you can still learn a thing or two from me, so come again and study me extra closely,' or 'stop saying so much about a simple performance... pipsqueak' *hack* *hack*"

"Tch, how about this, don't imitate me to the point where you kill your voice before our next performance?"

He was trying to hide his blush. Kohane smirked. 'Who knew teasing Shinonome-kun could be this fun?' "Let's hit the rink!" She pushed from the wall, slowing to a stop when Akito wasn't following.

"This is okay, right? I laced them right, right?"

Instantly she knew. Halfway between concern and teasing, she paused. "Masuka~? This isn't your first time?"

Akito gulped nervously. "Tch. I'm j-just being safe."

"Yes, they're just fine, Shinonome-kun." She carefully turned around. It wasn't like she was the best at it, but she was good enough to roller blade, so she could probably teach. "Push yourself to me with one of your feet." She held out her arms to him. Akito didn't like how much his heart raced at this sight. Luckily it dropped out of his chest as Kohane fell with a cute "Kya~!" Her ankles snapped in half. Kidding, kidding. She pulled herself up on the wall. She looked to where he clung to a pillar, newly scarred.

"...I'm gonna exchange these. It's hard to stand still in these things." Akito resisted asking if her red face was from her fall or embarrassment. He was still in shock. He watched her walk to the counter, undo the laces one-handedly, and exchange them for four-wheeled skates. She effortlessly glided through the crowd to him, pigtail hitting him in the eye when she skidded to a halt. "Oh my goodness, Akito! Did I hit you? Sorry!!" He just laughed. When she questioned him, he chuckled and asked where to start.

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