Chapter Three

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I wanted to write a poem inside this woman with my fingers and have her scream a story that ended with her soul on my lips.

I don't lose control, but I know if I did, it would be at the hands of the woman walking behind me.

I already did for fucks sake.

Once I saw that pig get up from his little table at the club to follow who I now know is Vanessa out, I threw away any plans I had to take him out with any type of stealth or plan. I went out there fully intending to kidnap this woman after I killed Margo.

I watched as she overlooked me in the club. I watched as she took in details of where I was sitting and where my hands were, she even glanced at my shoulder holster. I watched as she looked at me then looked at him and thought to herself that he was the better fit to take home.

"I want my bike back." Vanessa's voice says from behind me like a siren luring me out to sea, breaking me from my thoughts.

"What bike?" I ask her even though I know full well what bike she's referring to. I just want to hear her speak more.

"The black Yamaha R1 that was left at the club because you guys decided to have a fun time kidnapping me."

"We didn't kidnap you."

"You thought you did."

I press my lips together to conceal the smile that threatens to break across my face. I did think we successfully rendered her unconscious, due to the compelling show she put on with her struggle, not even moving once she was on the ground.

"Yes and how is your head?" I ask her and hold my breath as I do it so it doesn't come across that im too concerned for her well-being.

"Solid and in one piece." She responds dryly

Biting the inside of my cheek I stifle a laugh at the clear dig she made at Kendric for allowing her body to drop to the floor. Another great piece of acting she used. She didn't even grunt or make a noise or anything when her head collided with the concrete. She kept in character the whole time No doubt the collision caused her to have a little pain if not a slight headache after the fact.

"I'll have someone go and pick it up," I tell her.

"What a considerate offer from my kidnapper."

I don't respond to the sarcastic comment, continuing down the hall to Mika's room. This particular hall has four other rooms beside my room, the guest spare room beside mine, and Mika and Milo's room. For that reason, I made sure to tear the walls down from the original interior and replace them with multiple bends and turns. It's a big house so removing a room or two to make that happen wasn't a big deal. I want my sister and nephew safe in case anyone happens to get past my close eye on the place.

It took me twenty minutes just to convince Mika to lend Vanessa one of her old shirts. Then I stood there for another five while she decided what color shirt she would sacrifice. Ultimately, she chose a simple short-sleeved cropped black v-neck that she never wore. She can say it because she thinks it's ugly all she wants, but I know the real reason behind it, and I'll never make her feel guilty about it.

Rounding the corner I count down the halls until I reach Mika's room. Every turn is different from the last. When we reach her door I lift my hand to knock but before I get the chance it swings open. Leaning against the door is my sister with a scowl planted on her beautiful face.

"Don't give me that look you muggle," I told her.

She rolls her eyes, her lips curving into the slightest smirk before she masks it with her original frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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