Chapter one

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Amid a broken heart, a woman can do sinful things. Amid sadness, they can say psychotic and hurtful things, and in happiness, they can be a dream come true, but amid anger, a woman can become a dangerous vengeful being that no man can stop.

Anything can lead to any of those emotions but only a specific kind of hurt can lead a woman to be heartbroken. As sensitive as we may be, our hearts are far more protected than they appear. Especially if it's not the first heat break one has been through. Eventually despite the screaming inside your mind of you telling yourself that you should feel, cry, get angry, be sad, or finally fucking smile and be happy, there's just that feeling of numbness that god himself couldn't pull away from the soul it's attached to.

The empty wine glass clinks as I set it down on the black marble counter of the club i'm currently hiding out in.

"Another miss?" Asked the bartender.

I look up from the glass I was spinning in my fingers seconds ago and look up into the familiar blue eyes of the newly twenty-one-year-old boy who has been serving my drinks all night.

"Have you ever broken a woman's heart?" I ask him

He gave me a confused look before answering. "I'm sure I've broken plenty."

I appreciated his honesty.

"How'd you do it?" I don't take my eyes off him as I ask him the question. I always found it less likely for people to lie if I held eye contact with them, no matter how much it made my skin crawl.

"Oh, that's easy." He pauses. "I came out as gay." A slow sly smirk makes its way across his face showing the smallest hint of a dimple. It's not a wonder why his being gay would have upset the girls in his school. He's not unattractive at all. If anything he would be considered more on the attractive scale than most boys his age. He looks older than he is with his dirty blond hair and the light 5 o'clock shadow, even the sharpness of his jawline, and if I had to bet, if I lifted up his shirt he would have a six-pack. The type you see on college fuck boys.

He nods his head in the direction of my wine glass silently asking if he should refill it. I nod my head telling him yes.

"Coming out as gay in school must have sucked," I tell him.

He shrugs "Not really. When I thought about it I waited for a while, I don't even know how long because I always thought my friends would let me down. In all reality, it was my mom who let me down instead."

"Why would that be?" I ask him

"The simple answer is that she was Christian and did not approve of my sexuality."

"What happened after?"

"She kicked me out and I moved in with my grandparents"

"I take it they didn't care about your sexuality?"

"No, they just made the right choice. When I was younger I would visit them every summer. I remember taking a trip and on the drive back something brought up sinning. I knew that I had gay Aunts and my grandfather always seemed so close to one of them. It was comical really." He pauses as if trying to remember the situation more clearly. "They would always wish each other happy birthday on days they knew weren't their birthday and because my grandfather refused to get a smartphone and was stuck with the flip phone my Aunt used to be able to text him twelve times before he finished typing 5 words and would make his phone go off like crazy."

I smile as he continues

"Anyway, I remember asking if being gay and loving someone of the same gender was a sin, why were they so close? Love the sinner, not the sin. That's what they told me. So despite them not liking that I was gay they still respected my way and the fact that I would never love a woman. They loved me over a rule an old guy made."

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