Chapter 1

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The party was here already even though it seemed like I just blinked twice. One look at the flashy entrance and I was fighting an eternal battle with my brain if this was just a big mistake.

A one-night stand wouldn’t be bad, just think about it.

Nope, you’d do no such thing. Being all wrapped up in your comfy duvet eating ice-cream and popcorn and probably binge-watching a series is the best thing to do if you don’t want to be here sweetie.

“Okay shut up both of you. That’s enough.” “Are you okay sweetie?” My mom asked after she swiftly turned around to see if her daughter was going bananas. I threw in a weird giggle and assured her that I was fine. She threw a warm smile back at me and went ahead of me.

I ran my hand over my dress in an attempt to smoothen it. I wore a red evening dinner dress that had one shoulder strapless and had a slit that started from my right mid-thigh, ran along the length of the dress and ended just above my right foot.

I held my stubborn curls into a simple ponytail with a red scrunchy and finished off my look with a black Zara stiletto.

“Let’s getting is poppingggg!”

I suck a breath in deeply and caught my phone that flew from my hands mid-air before it fell on the marbled polished floor.

This girl was going to be the death of me. Geez! I raised one eyebrow and then rolled my eyes at her.

“We’re in public Elsie. I don’t want you starting one of your crazy bestfriend episodes, okay?” I said and dragged her along inside, totally ignoring her comebacks.

It was easy to spot my parents once I entered; my calm father and my sociable but strong-willed mother.

My father was styled by me of course. I mean duh, I’m a daddy’s girl so get used to it already.

They were facing another man who drank from the same champagne flute they drank from and it looked like they were having a hearty conversation. Just then. I locked eyes with my father and he waved for me to come over. I excuse myself from Elsie and walk towards them.

“This must be the baby girl all grown up now. Wow, that’s wonderful.” The man said as he kept his gaze on me. And weirdly, it was warm and welcoming which was quite odd for someone I had never met or spoken to.

“Her beauty is just like her mother’s, Caspian.” I smile shyly at the compliment and looked back at my mother who took a sip of her champagne.

“You’re far too kind Rover.” My mom laughed and ran a hand through her hair.

“What’s your name dear?” He finally asked. “Emily. My name is Emily, sir.”

“Oh utter nonsense. We’re family my dear. Your parents are good friends of mine. Let’s throw the sir out,shall we? Uncle Rover is just fine.” He said and smiled back at me. I smiled back at him too.

“You do have a lovely home, Uncle Rover.” I complimented. “Oh thank you so much.”

I quickly excused myself from them when they started talking about business. I was not one to be caught in some boring conversations.

I spotted Elsie at the bar across the room  sipping on a mocktail as she laughed hysterically at God knows what after a horrible attempt at batting her eyelashes. Ughh. Of course! She was flirting with a blonde head guy and touching him in all the inappropriate places.

I wanted to smack her head upside down and pump some sense into her head. I took a flute of champagne from a waitress passing by and just then my phone beeped.

I was walking,scrolling through my phone and drinking champagne all at once until I bumped into a hard wall or so I thought. A hard body. And not just a hard body. A cute one. A handsome cute one. A little oops escaped from my lips as I dreaded to see who I had bumped into.

“Watch where you’re going Blind Beauty!” He scoffed and walked away. 

I guess I spoke too soon. A complete asshole. Jerk. That was what he was.

A ‘sorry angel. Careful.’ would have done. I shook my head a little and giggled to myself. Someone was watching too many rom-coms lately and I was getting delusional.

I grabbed wipes from the small clutch bag I held to wipe the champagne that had spilled on my dress. That area had become a slightly wet patch.

Just when I could catch a breath after this, I felt a hand grab my waist from behind swiftly. I whipped my head around and my eyes perked up.

What in heaven’s name was he doing?

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, half-annoyed and half-panicked. “The dancefloor. We’re going dancing.”


Looking forward to your thoughts on this first chapter.

XOXO my loves!

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