chapter 8

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3rd person pov;

"Hey move it!-" Isagi was cut off as his eyes widened as the sight of his energetic friend go crashing to the familar small figure he didn't seem to notice.

"Ack!- Ah oops." Bachira mumbled dizzily as he sat up from his fallen position and took a look at Y/n who was also laying on the floor after colliding with him.

Bachira perked up at the sight of the female as he broke out into a wide grin, ignoring his friends that came rushing over with different expressions.

Bachira quickly jumped up before pulling Y/n up with both hands.

Y/n not knowing what was going on only blinked lazily before wobbling trying to stand straight. Bachira helping her as he had an arm around her.

"B-Bachira?! You have to be more aware of people around you!" Isagi sweatdropped as he came to stand infront of the two. Rin soon appearing beside him.

"R-Rin! It's them!" The two forgotten girls blushed in realisation before running off after the glare they recieved from Rin.

"Fucking dumbass. Don't do dumb shit again." Rin narrowed his eyes at Bachira who only ignored him.

Bachira was too busy relishing the warmth of Y/n to even pay attention to his two friends who were scolding him.

L/n Y/ns pov;

"..." You only glanced at them before shoving Bachira off rather harshly making him pout childishly and Isagi raise his brows in surprise.

The three males watched as the girl picked her tote bag up before walking away. Not for long though, as Bachira quickly regained his senses and hopped after you cheerfully.

"So! L/n right! Want to hangout with us?" The energetic boy questioned with his usual bright energy and smile as he matched with your slow pace.

You spared him a small glance before humming in acknowledgement.

Bachira taking this as an agreement he brightened up before clasping his hands into yours and dragging you back to where Rin and Isagi were stood dumbfounded.

"Eh? "Isagi voiced out his confusion with a dumbfounded expression, Rin had his usual stoic glare.

Seemingly staring you down but you paid no mind to him or the others around you.

"L/n is going to sit with us today! It must be sad being lonely." Bachira cheered as he raised the hand he's holding with yours.

You only sweatdrop at his enthusiasm and the backhanded comment before blinking.

"Ehm.. Are you sure you want to L/n?" Isagi asked whilst looking at you with concern.

"..sure." You muttered softly making the three males look at you in surprise.

"k. Hurry up brats." Rin finally spoke after being dead silent the whole time.

The three of yous snapping your heads towards him before following his retreating figure.

Your hand still clasped together with Bachiras.


"So L/n! Can I call you Y/n-chan?" Bachira questioned innocently as he led you outside near the soccer pitch.

"Thats fine." You replied bluntly making him beam, sparkles surrounding his figure, whilst isagi had a gloomy aura behind the bee boy.

"You can call me whatever you want that's okay Y/n-chan!" Bachira grinned as he pulled you into a side hug. Isagi once again ignored in the background.

"Uhm g-guys-" Isagi started with a sweatdrop before deadpanning after being cur off by Bachira.

"Y/n-chan! This is where we sit! " Bachira stated happily as he dragged you over to where a large group of males sat on the bleachers.

All in conversation making you feel shy all of the sudden.

"Thats a lot of people.." You muttered shyly but the two heard you clearly.

Isagi smiled reassuringly before patting you on the head.

"They're all nice, you'll get used to them in no time." He smiled at you fondly. The conversation reaching the ears of the group making them quiet down and look at you with curious eyes.

"Oi who's the chic?" One questioned with a raised brow, he had sharp teeth and an angry expression

"Another fangirl? So annoying." A boy with purple hair and a bun commented with a sigh.

You stood silently to the side as you watched them all break into multiple arguments.

Why did you even allow yourself to come here in the first place just to he ignored and listen to their childish actions.

Sweatdropping you flinched slightly as a large hand patted you on the head.

Looking up at the figure behind you, you were greeted by a tall boy with a friendly smile.

"Are you okay? They can be overwhelming sometimes." The male spoke with a soft smile making you blush and hide into your scarf more.

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