CHAPTER 72: The Delinquents are About to Strike

Start from the beginning

{Katsuki Bakugo}


"So we have rented out this sports center in order to put you through some specialized training today. *Yawn* sorry about that, I have been scared to fall asleep recently, I am Mera and today will be fun. Hahaha" Mera said.

That doesn't sound good.

"Oh and one more thing before we begin, up till now we have had nine people in this remeotle training class but starting today we will have ten" he continued to say.

"What, no way?" an extra said as we are looking in the direction the person was looking at.

"It's Endeavor, the number two hero...wait I mean the number one hero now" another extra said.

"Why is he here?" baldy said.

"Woah, wait a minute, look at who is standing next to him. Are you guys seeing this?" another extra said.

"Woah, All Might!" the class exclaimed.

"They came to watch us?" an extra said.

"So cool! This is nuts! Well, he's a teacher at UA right now" another extra said.

'I knew All Might was here since him and Mic brought me here but why is Endeavor here?' I thought to myself.

"Yeah, if everyone just calm down, I wasn't finished. This girl would be joining us from now on" Mera said.

"Hey, 2nd year at Shiketsu, the name is Camie. Hi everyone!" the Shiketsu girl said.

'Ugh, her again' I thought to myself.

"Right. So like the rest of you, she made it to the second part of the exam and she did really well enough to take this supplemental class. But some foggy memories leading up from the first part of the test made it really difficult to place her. That is why she has not participated in these classes until now. Right then, let's bring in your instructor" Mera finished.

*Door opened*

"Gang Orca!" Mera announced.

"So I have got some more disappointments today. What a shame, how do you feel to be standing before me. Given how easy the exam was!" Gang Orca said as he approached us.


"There is something I realized while observing your training this far, THERE IS NOTHING HEROIC ABOUT ANY OF YOU! YOU ARE BOTTOM FEEDERS, NOTING BUT ROTTEN FISH TURDS!" he yelled.

"Sir yes sir" the class said in unison.

"I CAN NOT HEAR YOU!" he yelled again.

"Sir yes sir!" the class said in unison.


"Well...first I am not a fish turd" I spat back at him.

"Wrong" he said before tossing me aside, making me fall on my arse.

Next he talked to baldy and tossed him aside as well.

"I am well aware that the two of you have impressive combat abilities but that is all you have got, your behavior is unacceptable. You are disrespectful to those of need of rescue and ignore your enemies to try and compete with other people! Today, we will put you through a special trial it is time you start training a new muscle, the one that beats in your chest. If you hold out a hand to someone in trouble, will they take it not as you are now, it is fine to have fangs but when a life is on the line, you must have trust!" he continued.

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